What's New Digest

What's New Digest 5.0.6

No permission to download
Not tried this but running DragonByte's 'similar' looking digest.

Couple of feature requests or questions:
1. Does it support image embeds in emails (from posts/threads)?
2. Can you specify the time of the digest? This one is key for improving adoption.
This is really an outstanding resources and I would like to ask if it would be possible to add the following feature to it.

Featured Thread
This would be the third above the New Threads Option. What this would be for is for the members with the permission set would be able to tag a thread that would then be listed in this area on the next delivery of New Content.
How do I hide the widget when a user subscribers?

I think I answered my own questions:

$xf.visitor.user_id && !$xf.visitor.Option.whatsnewdigest_email

Do I need to find a unique ID or simply add that? If a user has logged in within the last 180 days, ie. they are already subscribed by default, will the subscribe widget show / not show?
Now I do have a question, how do I change this date:

Send emails only to users active in the last 180 days. Uncheck this option to send to all valid users, regardless of most recent activity (not recommended - could cause an increase in spam complaints).
How do I hide the widget when a user subscribers?

I think I answered my own questions:

$xf.visitor.user_id && !$xf.visitor.Option.whatsnewdigest_email

Do I need to find a unique ID or simply add that? If a user has logged in within the last 180 days, ie. they are already subscribed by default, will the subscribe widget show / not show?

No - nothing more is required.

The $xf.visitor.user_id part makes the widget only display to members because a guest will have $xf.visitor.user_id == 0 which will fail this test and hide the widget.

The !$xf.visitor.Option.whatsnewdigest_email will hide the widget from anyone who has made a selection for receiving the digest emails because only a null value will pass the test and allow the widget to be shown and only those people who have not yet selected an option get a null value.
Now I do have a question, how do I change this date:

Send emails only to users active in the last 180 days. Uncheck this option to send to all valid users, regardless of most recent activity (not recommended - could cause an increase in spam complaints).

At this point, you can't change it.

It uses the default value of isValidUser() and isRecentlyActive() found in the core XF\Finder\User class.

6 months is considered good practice for user engagement - if a user hasn't visited in more than that length of time, they are much more likely to consider your bulk emails as spam.

This is the point of the digest emails - to encourage engagement on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and so if that hasn't worked in 6 months, then it's time to give up and stop emailing that user.

Setting a lower value would be fine - but I would not recommend making it longer. If you want it longer, you may as well just turn it off, which effectively achieves the same result, but affects every user - no matter how long it's been since they last visited the site.

I would also caution that if you have a large userbase and have not previously been sending emails to inactive users - you will likely receive a LOT of spam complaints or email bounces when you first start sending these digest emails. This could cause damage to your sending reputation leading to a lot more of your emails being marked as spam by providers. If you don't have the 180 day limit turned on, I suggest you go through a mailing list cleansing process before you start sending bulk emails.

Either way, I can put it on the to-do list for making this 180 day limit a configurable value, but that's a very low priority for me right now and so won't be done any time soon.
Can't believe I just found this, will this add-on be able to keep a running total of how many users have signed up for the digest?
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