XF 1.2 Watching a Forum

XenForo 1.2 adds another commonly requested feature: the ability to watch a forum. The forum watching system works rather similarly to the thread watching system, just on all content within a forum.

When you click the link to watch a forum, you'll see an overlay like this:


Notification-less watching options may be expanded in the future (such as with indications on the new threads list).

Notifications work identically to thread watching notifications: you'll only receive one about a thread until you view it on the forum.

Like threads, you can manage your watched forums in bulk via a dedicated page. This can also be used to simply filter only to forums you're interested in.

Administrators can also limit the type of notifications that can be triggered when watching a forum:

This can be useful to reduce the number of notifications that will be triggered on particularly busy forums.
As Chris mentioned and as is mentioned in the first post, you can disable the ability for users to get notifications from watched forums (while still giving them some benefit from watching a forum).

Or perhaps an option to turn off email notification for this watch forum feature.
ArnyVee aka Codename: Tubing

Well I'm starting to think and honestly believe we need to start thinking about creating a Tubeclub. The signs are certainly there for the fanbase and we know of the few who really appreciate tubing for what is is (HYS - Jake Bunce - Tubing) SneakyDave appreciates a good ole tube in high quality 256 colours and heck I like a good PSP tube myself. Xentubing.com?

back on topic (sorry). Excellent feature, and as stated good to see xenforo maturing and evolving into something that rivals psp tubing.
Or perhaps an option to turn off email notification for this watch forum feature.

Yes, I'd like to see this too. (y)

I had to remove the Watch Thread add-on because it was generating so much outgoing email that Yahoo and Google began tarpitting everything from my server - including new registration emails!!!!

Big, busy boards are going to need to be able to disable emails for this feature so please can we have that option in the ACP from the start. ;) <pops a cherry on the top! :LOL: >

Thanks Mike. :D
You're one of the few who want to turn a forum software into a social network.

Not sure how and why you are coming to that conclusion ?
Because I suggested to implement an "Email notification" to be sent to a user when he receives a post on his own Profile-page ?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but "sending an Email to a user" will not "turn a Forum-software into a Social Network".

If you truly want to feel free to invest your personal money into getting such things done rather than trying to shoehorn functionality into a forum all the time.

You have KISS in your signature but with every suggestion you make you have gone against the principles as you try to and spread the purpose of a forum every which way.

Many thanks for your valuable feedback!

I will refrain from submitting suggestions from now on.

Having recovered from a bliss faint .... Does this mean that if you Watch a forum, but you don't visit after getting a notification email, you won't get any more until you do visit - on that thread or others in that forum?

I always find that cutoff feature a pain. For working groups/ work teams it is necessary to keep the info going out regardless of whether someone then visits or not. Is it possible to disable that cutoff?
How about having an option to show updates only from the forums you are subscribed to on clicking the what's new link? It would be a killer function if it can show the count of threads or posts besides what's new link.

What say?
How about having an option to show updates only from the forums you are subscribed to on clicking the what's new link? It would be a killer function if it can show the count of threads or posts besides what's new link.
What say?

That might be good at an option link to click on the what's new page.
As long as you could toggle to see the complete whats new.
Personally I'd prefer tickboxes on forums to Hide them on what's new.
Now I'm Sad. I wanted this to happen to Forum RSS Feeds, to be possible to only receive New Threads, and not every single updated thread, it's frustrating subscribing to Xenforo Forums RSS Feeds.
Now I'm Sad. I wanted this to happen to Forum RSS Feeds, to be possible to only receive New Threads, and not every single updated thread, it's frustrating subscribing to Xenforo Forums RSS Feeds.
There are [already] individual [forum] RSS feeds, which pretty much eliminates the need for such feature.
It's been there since forum RSS feeds existed, though not necessarily linked.

What? Used Xenforo forums since always and now knowing the ?order=post_date would save me the trouble?
Oh well, thanks for that, gonna update my RSS Feeds. :rolleyes:

EDIT: It isn't working in the forum I want, takes me to homepage:
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