VelocityIO - Hosting Powered by Lite Speed Enterprise -35 Percent off for 3 Invoices-

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Just switched my site over to VelocityIO, and the speeds are crazy good! My site used to drag, but it's super snappy now.

@The Dark Wizard was awesome through the entire process. I'm not very good at back-end server stuff, but he handled everything & did it very quickly without a problem. He switched over my entire forum, my SSL certificate, and worked with my CDN.

I really can't tell you how happy I am with everything. Good pricing, good service, great owner. 100% recommended.
Wanted to put in a review for Velocity and @The Dark Wizard especially. I was having numerous problems with my server and getting abysmal customer support with my former host, who provides their services on this forum as well. Things were so bad I decided I had to get out, despite having prepaid until the end of the year and prospectively losing a good amount of money. I reached out to Wizard with a million and one questions, since I was like a frightened rabbit of horrible server support at this point, and he answered them all, one by one, in an extremely friendly and professional manner. I was so impressed I said "**** it" and decided to transfer over. The transfer was done in minutes, and the hosting since has been fantastic. All of the previous problems with our forum from that other hosting provider disappeared almost immediately. Wizard continues to answer every one of the questions that I throw at him with very timely responses. I could not be happier with the service or experience.
Hey guys,

As of a few minutes ago something seems to be wrong with the datacenter network effecting most of our servers and customers.

Will post back as soon as I have any info.
Is that something you recommend? Is there a chance it will break certain addons or forum features?

Xenforo works completely under php7, I've already tested this with plenty of customers who were curious and currently there seems to be only a limited amount of addons that break on PHP7, the only notable popular one being the widget framework.
A lot of us using that beta version for several months, without any single issue.

That is the personal problem of anyone who wants to use it. I personally haven't stopped any of my customers and I don't get involved beyond advisement and doing what I'm paid for. I personally know of several people on our service who opted to do that.

You'll never see me recommend it though, because you know what? I can't go send a message to the developer and bark at him when one of my sites completely becomes inaccessible or that of one of my customers.
Soooooo, let's get right into it! Over the past couple of months i had been having a lot of trouble with my host. Issues varied from downtime to just overall terrible performance of their server, the admin cp showed signs of this every single time when doing simple template edits, or when i installed a new add on, but was really a deciding factor was the downtime, a lot of DOWNTIME. I set out to find myself a new host, but i honestly had no luck what so ever, well, it's more of a, "I didn't like what i saw", from other hosts out there. So i asked my friend @MasonK if he had any suggestions, to which he did, and told me about @The Dark Wizard right away, albeit it did take me about two months or so to actually get in contact with TDW as i wanted to give my host at the time a chance. However, it kept up, consistently too, so i just went ahead and decided to make the switch.

Now, here's the thing, we're in holidays, and after getting in contact with @The Dark Wizard he asked me if monday would work, i was originally fine with that, but with my host at the time, their due date coming on sunday, i happened to mention it, to which he adjusted his schedule in order to help me out on saturday. Almost immediately after the switch, i noticed the difference in speed/performance, mainly in the CP. Not to mention it was cheaper than my previous host, and it offered so much more. He also told me about the htaccess being set up incorrectly, and fixed it up for me, which is something my previous host had never told me about. To top it all off, he even came back a few hours after we were done to check in on things to see how everything was going.

What can i say, i wasn't expecting much of a difference, and my goal was just less downtime. But i got so much more from this all. I would highly recommend anyone looking for a new host to check out VelocityIO, and @The Dark Wizard He's a pretty chill guy, and willing to answer your questions in a friendly manner.

Muh site:
Soooooo, let's get right into it! Over the past couple of months i had been having a lot of trouble with my host. Issues varied from downtime to just overall terrible performance of their server, the admin cp showed signs of this every single time when doing simple template edits, or when i installed a new add on, but was really a deciding factor was the downtime, a lot of DOWNTIME. I set out to find myself a new host, but i honestly had no luck what so ever, well, it's more of a, "I didn't like what i saw", from other hosts out there. So i asked my friend @MasonK if he had any suggestions, to which he did, and told me about @The Dark Wizard right away, albeit it did take me about two months or so to actually get in contact with TDW as i wanted to give my host at the time a chance. However, it kept up, consistently too, so i just went ahead and decided to make the switch.

Now, here's the thing, we're in holidays, and after getting in contact with @The Dark Wizard he asked me if monday would work, i was originally fine with that, but with my host at the time, their due date coming on sunday, i happened to mention it, to which he adjusted his schedule in order to help me out on saturday. Almost immediately after the switch, i noticed the difference in speed/performance, mainly in the CP. Not to mention it was cheaper than my previous host, and it offered so much more. He also told me about the htaccess being set up incorrectly, and fixed it up for me, which is something my previous host had never told me about. To top it all off, he even came back a few hours after we were done to check in on things to see how everything was going.

What can i say, i wasn't expecting much of a difference, and my goal was just less downtime. But i got so much more from this all. I would highly recommend anyone looking for a new host to check out VelocityIO, and @The Dark Wizard He's a pretty chill guy, and willing to answer your questions in a friendly manner.

Muh site:

<3. Enjoy your Holidays.
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