XF 2.1 Upgrade from 2.0.12 to 2.1.1: Addons?


in memoriam 1947-2022
Other than checking each addon for the latest update, is there a way to determine which addons need to be uninstalled for 2.1.1? Or will they be disabled automatically when I upgrade?
Add-ons do not need to be uninstalled or disabled for the upgrade to XF 2.1. This was mostly significant when going from 1.5 to 2.x. Most add-ons should be compatible. Those that aren't should have updates available. Those that don't have updates available can be uninstalled after upgrading if necessary.
actually, keep a backup. many addons were broken @djbaxter including if you had styles. most good authors have updates for 2.1; so check that incase. if you use themehouse, their emotions thing was broken, but have a new product to replace it.
Lots of addons were broken by 2.1 and most authors have now issued 2.1 only compatibility fixes so do be careful. Best way I found is to disable everything, upgrade, then update and enable each addon independently. It's tedious stuff.

The 2.1 branching was unfortunate and rather more painful than it should've been. Keep a fresh backup at the ready.
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