As designed Update posts by self appearing in New Posts

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
So I released an update a while ago and noticed my post appeared in New Posts.


I double checked and I cannot replicate this behaviour in RM 1.0.2.
The thread is only marked as read after posting an update if you've already marked the thread as read. If you have any unread posts in it, we don't change it. I assume if you go into the thread you'll find at least 2 posts unread? (1+ posts and your update.)

(This hasn't changed from RM 1.0.)
Admittedly, there is a couple of posts in there I don't remember seeing.

That's usually indicative of me picking up my phone after only 4 hours sleep, reading my list of alerts in the morning and forgetting to go into the actual post to read it :sleep:
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