UI.X 2

UI.X 2

No permission to download
Same for me too :( Don't have any idea how to fix it ??
Not sure. I might just look for a way to suppress them entirely until they're fixed. I feel like this is my punishment for being in a hurry and trying to update everything as quickly as possible: just creating more work for myself in the long run. Should know better by now. Next time I'm definitely going to test on the local install first.
Same for me too :( Don't have any idea how to fix it ??

I was too lazy to go searching for exactly what they messed up, but I simply replaced the contents of the node_list_forum template for each style with the contents from a previous version and that corrected the problem:

<xf:macro name="depth1" arg-node="!" arg-extras="!" arg-children="!" arg-childExtras="!" arg-depth="1"> <div class="block"> <div class="block-container"> <div class="block-body"> <xf:macro name="forum" arg-node="{$node}" arg-extras="{$extras}" arg-children="{$children}" arg-childExtras="{$childExtras}" arg-depth="{$depth}" /> </div> </div> </div> </xf:macro> <xf:macro name="depth2" arg-node="!" arg-extras="!" arg-children="!" arg-childExtras="!" arg-depth="1"> <xf:macro name="forum" arg-node="{$node}" arg-extras="{$extras}" arg-children="{$children}" arg-childExtras="{$childExtras}" arg-depth="{$depth}" /> </xf:macro> <xf:macro name="depthN" arg-node="!" arg-extras="!" arg-children="!" arg-childExtras="!" arg-depth="1"> <li> <a href="{{ link('forums', $node) }}" class="subNodeLink subNodeLink--forum {{ $extras.hasNew ? 'subNodeLink--unread' : '' }}">{$node.title}</a> <xf:macro template="forum_list" name="sub_node_list" arg-children="{$children}" arg-childExtras="{$childExtras}" arg-depth="{{ $depth + 1 }}" /> </li> </xf:macro> <xf:macro name="forum" arg-node="!" arg-extras="!" arg-children="!" arg-childExtras="!" arg-depth="!" arg-chooseName="" arg-bonusInfo=""> <div class="node node--id{$node.node_id} node--depth{$depth} node--forum {{ $extras.hasNew ? 'node--unread' : 'node--read' }}"> <div class="node-body"> <span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true"> <xf:fa icon="{{ $node.Data.TypeHandler.getTypeIconClass() ?: 'fa-comments' }}" /> </span> <div class="node-main js-nodeMain"> <xf:if is="$chooseName"> <xf:checkbox standalone="true"> <xf:option labelclass="u-pullRight" class="js-chooseItem" name="{$chooseName}[]" value="{$node.node_id}" /> </xf:checkbox> </xf:if> <xf:set var="$descriptionDisplay" value="{{ property('nodeListDescriptionDisplay') }}" /> <h3 class="node-title"> <a href="{{ link('forums', $node) }}" data-xf-init="{{ $descriptionDisplay == 'tooltip' ? 'element-tooltip' : '' }}" data-shortcut="node-description">{$node.title}</a> <xf:if is="{$extras.hasNew} && property('uix_newNodeMarker')"><span class="uix_newIndicator">{{ phrase('new') }}</span></xf:if> </h3> <xf:if is="$descriptionDisplay != 'none' && $node.description"> <div class="node-description {{ $descriptionDisplay == 'tooltip' ? 'node-description--tooltip js-nodeDescTooltip' : '' }}">{$node.description|raw}</div> </xf:if> <xf:if is="!property('uix_hideNodeStats')"> <div class="node-meta"> <xf:if is="!{$extras.privateInfo}"> <div class="node-statsMeta"> <dl class="pairs pairs--inline"> <xf:if is="property('uix_nodeStatsIcons')"> <dt><xf:fa icon="fa-comment" /></dt> <xf:else /> <dt>{{ phrase('threads') }}</dt> </xf:if> <dd>{$extras.discussion_count|number_short(1)}</dd> </dl> <dl class="pairs pairs--inline"> <xf:if is="property('uix_nodeStatsIcons')"> <dt><xf:fa icon="fa-comments" /></dt> <xf:else /> <dt>{{ phrase('messages') }}</dt> </xf:if> <dd>{$extras.message_count|number_short(1)}</dd> </dl> </div> </xf:if> <xf:if is="$depth == 2 AND property('nodeListSubDisplay') == 'menu'"> <xf:macro template="forum_list" name="sub_nodes_menu" arg-children="{$children}" arg-childExtras="{$childExtras}" arg-depth="{{ $depth + 1 }}" /> </xf:if> </div> </xf:if> <xf:if is="$depth == 2 AND property('nodeListSubDisplay') == 'flat'"> <xf:macro template="forum_list" name="sub_nodes_flat" arg-children="{$children}" arg-childExtras="{$childExtras}" arg-depth="{{ $depth + 1 }}" /> </xf:if> <xf:if is="$bonusInfo is not empty"> <div class="node-bonus">{$bonusInfo}</div> </xf:if> </div> <xf:if is="!{$extras.privateInfo} && !property('uix_hideNodeStats')"> <div class="node-stats"> <dl class="pairs pairs--rows"> <dt>{{ phrase('threads') }}</dt> <dd>{$extras.discussion_count|number_short(1)}</dd> </dl> <dl class="pairs pairs--rows"> <dt>{{ phrase('messages') }}</dt> <dd>{$extras.message_count|number_short(1)}</dd> </dl> </div> </xf:if> <div class="node-extra"> <xf:if is="{$extras.privateInfo}"> <span class="node-extra-placeholder">{{ phrase('private') }}</span> <xf:elseif is="{$extras.LastThread}" /> <div class="node-extra-icon"> <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.isIgnoring($extras.last_post_user_id)"> <xf:avatar user="{{ null }}" size="xs" /> <xf:else /> <xf:avatar user="{$extras.LastPostUser}" defaultname="{$extras.last_post_username}" size="xs" /> </xf:if> </div> <div class="uix_nodeExtra__rows"> <div class="node-extra-row"> <xf:if is="$extras.LastThread.isUnread()"> <a href="{{ link('threads/unread', $extras.LastThread) }}" class="node-extra-title" title="{$extras.LastThread.title}">{{ prefix('thread', $extras.LastThread) }}{$extras.LastThread.title}</a> <xf:else /> <a href="{{ link('threads/post', $extras.LastThread, {'post_id': $extras.last_post_id}) }}" class="node-extra-title" title="{$extras.LastThread.title}">{{ prefix('thread', $extras.LastThread) }}{$extras.LastThread.title}</a> </xf:if> </div> <div class="node-extra-row"> <ul class="listInline listInline--bullet"> <li><xf:date time="{$extras.last_post_date}" class="node-extra-date" /></li> <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.isIgnoring($extras.last_post_user_id)"> <li class="node-extra-user">{{ phrase('ignored_member') }}</li> <xf:else /> <li class="node-extra-user"><xf:username user="{$extras.LastPostUser}" defaultname="{$extras.last_post_username}" /></li> </xf:if> </ul> </div> </div> <xf:else /> <span class="node-extra-placeholder">{{ phrase('none') }}</span> </xf:if> </div> </div> </div> <xf:if is="{$depth} == 1"> <xf:macro template="forum_list" name="node_list" arg-children="{$children}" arg-extras="{$childExtras}" arg-depth="{{ $depth + 1 }}" /> </xf:if> </xf:macro>
I was too lazy to go searching for exactly what they messed up, but I simply replaced the contents of the node_list_forum template for each style with the contents from a previous version and that corrected the problem:
You are right. When I compare the old and new version of "node_list_forum" template, I have seen the difference.

So for now, here is a quick solution for sub-node double icon issues. I hope we can get a better solution from @Ian Hitt , @Dalton Prock

<a href="{{ link('forums', $node) }}" class="subNodeLink subNodeLink--forum {{ $extras.hasNew ? 'subNodeLink--unread' : '' }}">
<xf:fa icon="{{ $node.Data.TypeHandler.getTypeIconClass() ?: 'fa-comments' }}" class="subNodeLink-icon" />{$node.title}

<a href="{{ link('forums', $node) }}" class="subNodeLink subNodeLink--forum {{ $extras.hasNew ? 'subNodeLink--unread' : '' }}">{$node.title}</a>
Hello, I am new to Xenforo and UI.X Pro theme. I got this theme right before they updated to ver. 2.2.2

- how do I update my theme without losing my colors and logo changes that I have made?

I tried a couple times reading the docs but I don't get it? Its not working correctly for me, because I get double pro themes and child themes and dark themes and canlt merge the files after trying a few different ways to upgrade :(

anyone have a better explanation step by step to upgrade to new theme?

I tried this below so far:

I know I have to update Xenforo first to 2.2.2 and I have resources mod that has an update as well, then we need to merge files in ACP that seems straight forward and seems to work no issues..

Next step:
  • I downloaded the updated UIx Pro theme and upload the upload / files and folders to my main forum directory.
  • Then I tried installing the XML for the theme, child and dark theme -
( but I am not sure what to select in ACP > Appearance > Styles > Import when I get to this point.)

when they installed it they did not use the API key they just installed it via ftp

So I even tried adding API key but then when I go to ACP> Appearance> ThemeHouse Styles, all I see is install
UI.X 2 The Ultimate XenForo Framework InstallDocumentation
UI.X Pro Theme Exclusive ideal themes for UI.X ProInstallDocumentation

I tried this as well selected version 2.2.2 but it installed a new set of themes and child themes and I do not think my Child Theme with my colors got updated in the process and had errors in ACP when trying to merge the files after upgrading like in Xenforo update they all merged with no issues.

So if anyone has an easy solution how to update my theme and keep my colors and my logos in place would be awesome.

The docs are a combination of install and upgrade but Doesn't really give you an exact route to take as in my situation, or I am just not getting what they are explaining, no offense to ThemeHouse, as I said I am new to Xenforo and themehouse themes child themes etc.

I need baby steps how to do this step 1 step 2 etc.

I just don't want to have to redo my theme I have now I just want to update it and keep logos colors etc in place if possible

PS they installed it for me and I know they will help me install the update, but I want to learn how to do this myself

thanks in advance if anyone can give me a belter step by step to update my UI.X pro 2 theme to and keep my colors logos etc in place

thank you all in advance totally appreciate your help

Hello, I am new to Xenforo and UI.X Pro theme. I got this theme right before they updated to ver. 2.2.2

- how do I update my theme without losing my colors and logo changes that I have made?

I tried a couple times reading the docs but I don't get it? Its not working correctly for me, because I get double pro themes and child themes and dark themes and canlt merge the files after trying a few different ways to upgrade :(

anyone have a better explanation step by step to upgrade to new theme?

I tried this below so far:

I know I have to update Xenforo first to 2.2.2 and I have resources mod that has an update as well, then we need to merge files in ACP that seems straight forward and seems to work no issues..

Next step:
  • I downloaded the updated UIx Pro theme and upload the upload / files and folders to my main forum directory.
  • Then I tried installing the XML for the theme, child and dark theme -
( but I am not sure what to select in ACP > Appearance > Styles > Import when I get to this point.)

when they installed it they did not use the API key they just installed it via ftp

So I even tried adding API key but then when I go to ACP> Appearance> ThemeHouse Styles, all I see is install
UI.X 2 The Ultimate XenForo FrameworkInstallDocumentation
UI.X Pro Theme Exclusive ideal themes for UI.X ProInstallDocumentation

I tried this as well selected version 2.2.2 but it installed a new set of themes and child themes and I do not think my Child Theme with my colors got updated in the process and had errors in ACP when trying to merge the files after upgrading like in Xenforo update they all merged with no issues.

So if anyone has an easy solution how to update my theme and keep my colors and my logos in place would be awesome.

The docs are a combination of install and upgrade but Doesn't really give you an exact route to take as in my situation, or I am just not getting what they are explaining, no offense to ThemeHouse, as I said I am new to Xenforo and themehouse themes child themes etc.

I need baby steps how to do this step 1 step 2 etc.

I just don't want to have to redo my theme I have now I just want to update it and keep logos colors etc in place if possible

PS they installed it for me and I know they will help me install the update, but I want to learn how to do this myself

thanks in advance if anyone can give me a belter step by step to update my UI.X pro 2 theme to and keep my colors logos etc in place

thank you all in advance totally appreciate your help

We've recieved your ticket and are in contact with you now! :)

Can someone help me in disabling the user postbit in mobile view ?
Get in contact with our team here and we'll be able to assist you with this :)
Hello, I am new to Xenforo and UI.X Pro theme. I got this theme right before they updated to ver. 2.2.2

- how do I update my theme without losing my colors and logo changes that I have made?

I tried a couple times reading the docs but I don't get it? Its not working correctly for me, because I get double pro themes and child themes and dark themes and canlt merge the files after trying a few different ways to upgrade :(

anyone have a better explanation step by step to upgrade to new theme?

I tried this below so far:

I know I have to update Xenforo first to 2.2.2 and I have resources mod that has an update as well, then we need to merge files in ACP that seems straight forward and seems to work no issues..

Next step:
  • I downloaded the updated UIx Pro theme and upload the upload / files and folders to my main forum directory.
  • Then I tried installing the XML for the theme, child and dark theme -
( but I am not sure what to select in ACP > Appearance > Styles > Import when I get to this point.)

when they installed it they did not use the API key they just installed it via ftp

So I even tried adding API key but then when I go to ACP> Appearance> ThemeHouse Styles, all I see is install
UI.X 2 The Ultimate XenForo FrameworkInstallDocumentation
UI.X Pro Theme Exclusive ideal themes for UI.X ProInstallDocumentation

I tried this as well selected version 2.2.2 but it installed a new set of themes and child themes and I do not think my Child Theme with my colors got updated in the process and had errors in ACP when trying to merge the files after upgrading like in Xenforo update they all merged with no issues.

So if anyone has an easy solution how to update my theme and keep my colors and my logos in place would be awesome.

The docs are a combination of install and upgrade but Doesn't really give you an exact route to take as in my situation, or I am just not getting what they are explaining, no offense to ThemeHouse, as I said I am new to Xenforo and themehouse themes child themes etc.

I need baby steps how to do this step 1 step 2 etc.

I just don't want to have to redo my theme I have now I just want to update it and keep logos colors etc in place if possible

PS they installed it for me and I know they will help me install the update, but I want to learn how to do this myself

thanks in advance if anyone can give me a belter step by step to update my UI.X pro 2 theme to and keep my colors logos etc in place

thank you all in advance totally appreciate your help

Ok so I finally got the right answer and my mistake was I did not need to import and overwrite my theme with the child theme. That was my problem ( just in case) someone else has an issue. Just import the parent theme only and that will also update your current child theme

Thanks to Will and Dalton for all the help

My chrome tools throws some warnings for UI.X 2 and UI.X 2 dark:

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://domain.com/styles/uix_dark/fonts/icons/material-icons/css/materialdesignicons.css.map: HTTP error: status code 403, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
(index):1 The resource https://domain.com/styles/uix_dark/fonts/icons/material-icons/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.woff2?v=5.5.55 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
My chrome tools throws some warnings for UI.X 2 and UI.X 2 dark:

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://domain.com/styles/uix_dark/fonts/icons/material-icons/css/materialdesignicons.css.map: HTTP error: status code 403, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
(index):1 The resource https://domain.com/styles/uix_dark/fonts/icons/material-icons/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.woff2?v=5.5.55 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
Could you create a ticket on this so we can have a look, please?
My chrome tools throws some warnings for UI.X 2 and UI.X 2 dark:

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://domain.com/styles/uix_dark/fonts/icons/material-icons/css/materialdesignicons.css.map: HTTP error: status code 403, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
(index):1 The resource https://domain.com/styles/uix_dark/fonts/icons/material-icons/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.woff2?v=5.5.55 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
Also noticed this as well.
Not my forum but the owner has a valid UI.X licensed and API.

Customizing UI.X Material child style.

Set navigation bar under header to display:none
Set default width toggle to fluid but also happens with fixed or none

Using the left navigation sidebar

With any page request or navigating to a new page, the navigation side bar collapses. Double clicking on the hamburger menu brings it back but I want to stop it from collapsing.

I can't find anything in settings that will change this behavior.

Can I add something to extra.less or elsewhere to prevent the navigation sidebar from collapsing? or at least not collapsing automatically.
Last edited:
Not my forum but the owner has a valid UI.X licensed and API.

Customizing UI.X Material child style.

Set navigation bar under header to display:none
Set default width toggle to fluid but also happens with fixed or none

Using the left navigation sidebar

With any page request or navigating to a new page, the navigation side bar collapses. Double clicking on the hamburger menu brings it back but I want to stop it from collapsing.

I can't find anything in settings that will change this behavior.

Can I add something to extra.less or elsewhere to prevent the navigation sidebar from collapsing? or at least not collapsing automatically.
Someone from our team will be in contact with you on the ticket that you created this morning on this :)
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