XF 1.2 Troubles importing from vB 4.x to XenForo


New member
I run a Swedish forum and when I try to import threads from vB to XF almost all threads end up without content/title. Could this be an encoding error? Anyone else had these troubles?
Can you run these two queries on the source and destination databases?

show variables like "character_set_database";
show variables like "collation_database";
In vB, what character set does your default language have? If it's not UTF-8, when you start the import, force the character set to "latin1". If it is UTF-8, try forcing it to "utf8".
Can you confirm the collation of your vBulletin "post" table? (Run this query: SHOW CREATE TABLE post; You might need to add a table prefix.)

Also, can you confirm what character set your default language in vBulletin is using? (Set via the control panel.)
Are the individual columns utf8 as well? (Normally they would be, but they can be different.)

Forcing the character set when starting the import to "utf8" should be sufficient then.

If that still fails, I can try to debug it if you submit a ticket with FTP and admin CP details. I'd need you to start the import (insofar as entering the source details and getting to the step list). To debug quickly, if you can provide the ID of a thread whose title ends up blank (the ID of it in vBulletin), that'd help. I can then test directly against that.
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