Titanic, after the collision


Well-known member

I remember being fascinated by the story of RMS Titanic's sinking thanks to Robert Ballard and James Cameron. I've seen the movie a couple of times; but I don't remember how the after-collision was portrayed in the film. Reuter's article now claims that the ship was sunk by steering mistake and sped up by owner's decision to continue sailing.

I found one of the comments to the article to be interesting and worth posting here:
joseph said:
The part of her theory about Quartermaster Hitchens not knowing left from right is pretty ridiculous (you think they're going to hire a guy to steer the company's newest and most expensive boat when he doesn't know right from left?)

However, the second part of her theory is supported by evidence. There are numerous reports from surviving crew and passengers that Titanic started moving again after the collision. We also know that owner Bruce Ismay was on the bridge very early after the collision, and that he spoke directly to both Captain Smith and Chief Engineer Bell before Titanic began moving again. He also had a reputation for getting directly involved in the operation of his company's ships, often in a pushy way.

The theory (which has been around for years, not like this bird dreamed it up herself) is that because the very first reports coming onto the bridge were that Titanic had suffered only minimal damage, Ismay convinced Smith to start moving the ship again- probably to Halifax, which was closer than New York and had repair facilities.

Unfortunately it's possible that by moving the ship even slowly forward, more water was forced into the hull. At the time Titanic had five compartments flooded (she was designed to float with four flooded). Moving forward may have caused or contributed to the collapse of the bulkhead between Boiler Rooms 5 and 6. After this happened there were 6 flooded compartments and Titanic began to sink more quickly. If that bulkhead had held up, it's possible that Titanic would have stayed afloat until help arrived.
Wow. They have a close-to-life-size model of Titanic.
Did you know that the founder of Macy's was on that ship? I met a guy whose grandmother was on it too and survived.
Well for that matter they were so haphazard when it came to constructing the ship they were sealing the ship sections and monster pipe sections with the workers inside and men were told (as the stories go, I don't know I wasn't there) to ignore the sounds they can't afford to open them. Haste makes waste and this timeless tale is just a scrubbed up version of the truth in my mind. The ship wasn't built to be an icebreaker by nature and they hurried everything PPPPPP ( Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance ). To blame it on a captain who couldn't see in the light available and with a ship that the sections that flooded not being able to lockout and waterseal would be kinda pissing on his watery grave...he really couldn't do a thing...and after that he did what a REAL captain would do ...If another man is left on the ship so is he , A real captain surrenders no-one his ship and sinks to the ocean with it. He died with honor and no-one can take that from him.
Nice! :D
I meant details like moving of Titanic after collision and Quartermaster Hitchens's steering to left or right before collision.

My bad sorry.

As I recall they didn't show anything about Titanic moving again or turning the wrong way.

Mind you they didn't portray it very accurately, from all accounts Smith done is best for the passengers and crew, they portrayed him as a coward.

I'm sorry, but that reply was just so funny.....

If I hadn't posted it someone else would have.
I remember being fascinated by the story of RMS Titanic's sinking thanks to Robert Ballard and James Cameron. I've been dragged to the movie couple of times by my other half; but I don't remember how the after-collision was portrayed in the film. Reuter's article now claims that the ship was sunk by steering mistake and sped up by owner's decision to continue sailing.

kyrgyz you almost had to hand in your man card!!!! Have edited the post to how it was meant to read, got your back covered Bro ;)
kyrgyz you almost had to hand in your man card!!!! Have edited the post to how it was meant to read, got your back covered Bro ;)
Haha. :D No, back then I'd go to any English-language movie. So, I drugged myself to the movie theatre. I had to see it twice to understand dialogues.
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