TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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I didn't see the option for re-sizing the width or height of fast reply in TinyMCE Quattro add-ons option and also in boeard general option, can u tell me more details?

Change this option "Editor autoresize minimum height" in the XenForo global options.

One more suggestion: The bbcode "Smilies Picker" is not displayed so well in responsive, when the pop-up window appeared, it was break the screen on mobile. could u just make the display of that bbcode to be the same with default of Xenforo, especially using together with Smilies manager add-on? sure that it will look more better...
I will check for the responsive, I've only tried on an Ipad. About a new smilie feature, that's something not that hard to do, but I have no time and I will certainly not use it. If someone wants to add it to the code on github, please do.
Hi there. I'm finding that the Insert Link command in the pop-up editor (used after a post has already been created and is being edited) is obscured at the bottom, as in the graphic below.

Can't see the buttons at the bottom.

I can't reproduce the problem. What is the browser ?

I'm using IE9 most of the time, and that's the browser I used when observing the problem.

I just tried it with both Firefox and Chrome, however, and indeed there's no problem with those browsers.
I'm using IE9 most of the time, and that's the browser I used when observing the problem.

I just tried it with both Firefox and Chrome, however, and indeed there's no problem with those browsers.
Thanks, I will check this weekend with IE9 and at the same time I need to check the last TinyMCE update that fixes a few problems with IE11 (according to the changelog) and update this addon.
I'm using IE9 most of the time, and that's the browser I used when observing the problem.

I just tried it with both Firefox and Chrome, however, and indeed there's no problem with those browsers.
I can't reproduce the problem. I've checked with IE10 (native), IE9 (emulated from IE10) and IE8 (emulated with IE Tester).
Hi @cclaerhout,

I got lost a little bit with this add-on. Couple of questions, if I may:

1. Does it replace Redactor with TinyMCE if I'm on 1.2.3?

2. If no, can I show Redactor for one usergroup and this add-on for another?

3. What would happen if XF would implement some of these features in its core? would any message containing one of these BB-CODE become broken?

Hi @cclaerhout,

I got lost a little bit with this add-on. Couple of questions, if I may:

1. Does it replace Redactor with TinyMCE if I'm on 1.2.3?

2. If no, can I show Redactor for one usergroup and this add-on for another?

3. What would happen if XF would implement some of these features in its core? would any message containing one of these BB-CODE become broken?

1) This addon allow admins to enable TinyMCE4 for some usergroups. Once an usergroup is allowed to use MCE4 it will replace the default editor (unless if you have created a custom config with the BbCodes & Buttons Manager for a forum or a specified view/controller/action).
2) Yes.
3) Mostly no and if it breaks, just disable the custom BbCode included in that addon. All options in this addon can be enable/disable to allow admins to use only the functionalities they need.

This addon have some functionalities that will work (if they have been enabled) even if a usergroup doesn't use MCE4.
1) This addon allow admins to enable TinyMCE4 for some usergroups. Once an usergroup is allowed to use MCE4 it will replace the default editor (unless if you have created a custom config with the BbCodes & Buttons Manager for a forum or a specified view/controller/action).
2) Yes.
3) Mostly no and if it breaks, just disable the custom BbCode included in that addon. All options in this addon can be enable/disable to allow admins to use only the functionalities they need.

This addon have some functionalities that will work (if they have been enabled) even if a usergroup doesn't use MCE4.
1. So, let's say I enable MCE4 just for super-admins, all other usergroups on my board will use Redactor, but will be able to see the tags/BB-Code of MCE4?

3. Yes, but messages already had the custom BB-CODE tags. If I disable the add-on, wouldn't it show the tags as plain text = break the intended message?
1- The BbCodes of these addons are classic BbCodes with some Wysiwyg functions. The Wysiwyg functions will only be enable when you create/edit a message and only with MCE4. I think I let an option to enable them on Redactor but they will be useless, which means a user can't easily modify a table by adding a row for example, since this will require to code JS functions for the RTE Editor. For the BbCode editor, that's just some classic tags (easy to modify).

Now about all users view, the editor doesn't matter.

2- If you disable the addon, of course the BbCode will not be parsed, like any other addons.
One annoying behavior I've noted when this plugin is installed--and I think it's attributable to the plugin--is that with IE9 after you click a thread, you are unable simply to use the page up and page down keys to scroll through a thread. It's as if the focus is within the editor. You must first click somewhere inside the thread to scroll up or down. This behavior does not occur with Chrome. I have not tested other browsers.
Tried using the tagging feature with this editor @cclaerhout , and while the user pop-up appears to select a user, the user name is not actually inserted after one clicks on the name, and the nothing is highlighted upon saving the post. I do have the tagging feature enabled on the back end. Any ideas?
One annoying behavior I've noted when this plugin is installed--and I think it's attributable to the plugin--is that with IE9 after you click a thread, you are unable simply to use the page up and page down keys to scroll through a thread. It's as if the focus is within the editor. You must first click somewhere inside the thread to scroll up or down. This behavior does not occur with Chrome. I have not tested other browsers.
The scroll down on key touch is working, but the scroll up seems to have a problem. It doesn't really matter anyway, since this problem seems to have been corrected in the last version of MCE. Now I'm not sure of the behaviour if a draft is restored in the editor.

Tried using the tagging feature with this editor @cclaerhout , and while the user pop-up appears to select a user, the user name is not actually inserted after one clicks on the name, and the nothing is highlighted upon saving the post. I do have the tagging feature enabled on the back end. Any ideas?
I can't reproduce the problem on IE10 or IE9 (IE10 with IE9 mode) or IE8 (IETester). Be sure to have activated this feature in this addon options.
I can't reproduce the problem on IE10 or IE9 (IE10 with IE9 mode) or IE8 (IETester). Be sure to have activated this feature in this addon options.

What I activated was XenForo user tagging integration (set to Yes), and I do not have Tag Me installed. This is in TinyQuattro - Editor options. @cclaerhout

In my copy of IE9, this is not working. In Chrome and Firefox, it is.

With IE9, it works in redactor. Probably your IE9 in IE10 mode is not quite getting you all the way to IE9.
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What I activated was XenForo user tagging integration (set to Yes), and I do not have Tag Me installed. This is in TinyQuattro - Editor options. @cclaerhout

In my copy of IE9, this is not working. In Chrome and Firefox, it is.

With IE9, it works in redactor. Probably your IE10 in IE9 mode is not quite getting you all the way to IE9.
This has been fixed in my dev version. Debugging on IE is a nightmare.
This has been fixed in my dev version. Debugging on IE is a nightmare.

I can imagine. I have a user who only has issues on IE. Unfortunately that's what most Windows users use, sometimes without even knowing it (i.e., they don't even think "browser" when they surf the net).
The preview release is on Github. I still need to test it on a mobile device with a small screen. Some templates of the BBM Advanced BbCodes addon will have to be updaded (first modifications release on Github too).

P.S: this is a big update. Test it on your dev board first.
The preview release is on Github. I still need to test it on a mobile device with a small screen. Some templates of the BBM Advanced BbCodes addon will have to be updaded (first modifications release on Github too).

P.S: this is a big update. Test it on your dev board first.

Are you going to preserve the user-inserted spaces in this release? Will I be able to update without worrying about that?
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