TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

Unmaintained TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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  1. I've installed the addon but I can still see the default editor, what can I do?
    Check the TinyQuattro Permissions.
  2. I've installed the addon but I have no more editor at all !
    Check if you have installed on your board this "message-auto-save-drafts" addon. You must not load this javascript: it's using mce 3 functions that are no more compatible with mce 4.

  3. [Deleted]
  4. About the Table Bb Code, I can't see any option to change the background color of a row or a cell, what can I do?
    The TinyMCE editor doesn't have this feature. I don't know if it will be released one day or not. It could be coded but might be hard and especially will require to modify the official table plugin. This is not the concept of this addon which is to stick to TinyMCE last updates. There's still a solution: use the Bb Code editor and add a background option (bgcolor: #FF0000). See below:
    View attachment 57438

  5. I want to use directly a TinyMCE skin. What should I do?
    • Upload this skin in this folder:
    • Go to XenForo admin panel. Open the TinyMCE Quattro Style properties.
    • Uncheck "XenForo Style Properties Integration"
    • On the field below write down your skin directory name

    Note: for people who have created themselves a skin with the Skin Creator, you should update it (import the json file) at every TinyMCE updates and download it again [ref].

  6. [Deleted]

  7. I'm using the context menu, but is there a way to disable it to access the original right click menu?
    Yes, press CTRL before clicking on the right button of your mouse.

  8. [Deleted]

  9. Update instructions from 1.x version to 2.x version
    • If you use the QuoteMe or the Bbm advanced Bb Codes, upgrade them first
    • Update the Bbm addon if you're using it (minimum version 2.6.2)
    • Some values of this addon options ("TinyQuattro - Editor options") have been modified, so just check the options again and save them: It's easy some bolean options will have a blank value
    • If you still can't see the editor, check the paragraph 8 of the FAQ
  10. I'm using the Word counter TinyMCE plugin, but it doesn't count the words from my language... What can I do?
    That's not really a bug. Your language probably uses unicode characters (not ascii I mean). The reason is simple. To count words, it's using a Regular Expression (Regex). We're here in JavaScript. JavaScript regex doesn't support unicode (I mean globally), like php does. So the only solution you have is to count characters instead of words.

  11. In the Wysiwyg Quote mode, the cursor get stuck... what can I do?
    See this tutorial.
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