Thread Reply Banner

Thread Reply Banner 2.6.1

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@Xon Also, would it be possible to make a selectable option here for whether or not it shows up when people cannot reply to the thread? I'm guessing that it's linked to the reply editor, so I understand if that might be a bit difficult.

A working alternative to that would be to make it an option for conversations in addition to threads.
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The banner is injected as part of the editor reply block, the reply integration is used so if you hit reply/quote it jumps to start where the banner starts.

It would require additional template work to display if the thread is closed/locked, and maybe another flag on the reply banner table to display on-close.

Once I get User Essentials for XF2.2, ElasticSearch Essentials for XF2.2 out I might have a look at it
@Xon - As far as I can tell, the latest update made it so I couldn't edit the banner any more.

(EDIT: Nvm, reverted changes on the input template and it seems to work now. Odd, the only change I remember there being was switching the order of something. Probably the update needed some change.)
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Looks like a styling issue with how the banner is injected into the template. I'll need to check if I have a recent copy of UI.X2 to check for compatibility
Looks like a styling issue with how the banner is injected into the template. I'll need to check if I have a recent copy of UI.X2 to check for compatibility
Did you find a copy? I was hoping 2.5.0 would have fixed the issue but it didn't.
Did you find a copy? I was hoping 2.5.0 would have fixed the issue but it didn't.
After investigating, it looks to be working with UI.X2. Can you check what version of the style and post a screenshot of the template modifications for the add-on?

Even UI.X2 version when I choose the (untouched) parent style shows this issue.

Template modification for thread_view

#([\t ]*<xf:form action="{{ link\('threads\/add-reply'.*)(js-quickReply)(.*<\/xf:form>)(.*?<\/xf:if>)#si


<div class="js-quickReply">
    <xf:macro template="svThreadReplyBanner_macros"

<xf:set var="$svShowBanner" value="{{ 0 + $xf.options.svThreadReplyBanner_showBanner }}" />
<xf:if is="($svShowBanner === 2 || ($svShowBanner === 1 && !$thread.discussion_open)) AND !$thread.canReply()">
    <xf:macro template="svThreadReplyBanner_macros"
I strongly don't recommend customizing the UI.X master template as you run into these sorts of weird styling issues :(
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