Thread Reply Banner

Thread Reply Banner 2.6.1

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Not easily, the use-case for this add-on is for moderation things where you don't want users to easily ignore it
The idea behind this this add-on was for ad-hoc per-thread configuration, but a forum-wide wide default has been asked about before. If you are willing to fund it I can definitely expedite working on that feature, otherwise it'll be on the backburner for a while.

Any hope now?
It really depends on how the custom bb-code is implemented. Is this a simple HTML replacement, or a add-on backed bb-code?
I added it manually as a simple HTML replacement. Is there a way to get it to work? It seems to work in messages but just not the reply banner!
I don't really understand what this add-on can do.


For Registered usergroup:


Then I get the following when posting a thread:


I entered something. But in the thread created, it's not showing the banner I entered.


The 'Edit' in action bar doesn't show the banner reply thing. I need to click '...' and 'Edit thread' to be able to change the banner.


Also what's the following supposed to show?


I'm so confused.
Last edited:
Oh I got it! The banner is there above the editor box now after I made it active.

But the Edit post UI still has no banner part, only the '...' then 'Edit thread' link shows the banner. Is it normal?

And the following still shows nothing even I got an active banner.

Installed, but can't seem to find the starting point to "create" a banner for a thread?

@Xon - No pressure, but a suggestion for a future update or pro version is to allow people to schedule a change to the thread reply banner.
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