One of our largest projects to date just released and we're incredibly excited to see it come to fruition!

MPOWR is a case management software originally developed to help homeless individuals find stabilization in life but since has evolved to encompass multiple industries such as community impact, education, public safety, family services and much more. The team behind MPOWR approached us in need of re-energizing their brand and online presence.

Included in project:
  • Brand evaluation and discovery with thorough research into client’s position in the industry, competitors, differentiators, and marketing potential
  • Complete UI/UX design process that focused on updating the website for a more modern audience
  • Brand modernization
  • 28 page brand styleguide that outlined the visual rules of the brand
  • 18 page communications styleguide that focused on refining brand voice
  • Custom iconography
  • 30 second product video to improve brand awareness
  • Search Engine Optimization with emphasis on keyword optimization and fast-load website
  • React-based development with WordPress and Salesforce integration
If you want to see more about the project, links are below!



Guys is it possible to get one of you on an IM service?.. I have a rush job and cant wait 30 minutes for each response on tickets at

Need custom design ASAP.
Could you guys tell me a little more about Upsurge Forum Hosting for XF? I'm interested in the annual subscription. I mean is this real, on-going, are customers using it? The SproutBox social media Facebook and Twitter pages are dead w/o any activity this year. @ThemeHouse @Mike Creuzer @nikkiradloff
Could you guys tell me a little more about Upsurge Forum Hosting for XF? I'm interested in the annual subscription. I mean is this real, on-going, are customers using it? The SproutBox social media Facebook and Twitter pages are dead w/o any activity this year. @ThemeHouse @Mike Creuzer @nikkiradloff
Hello @Artie @vij, glad to hear that you have interest in our Upsurge pan for XenForo! This plan offers many different features:
  • 1 theme is included per year (we also install whichever theme/add-on you choose)
  • 1 add-on is included per year
  • Monthly newsletter on new products or promotions
  • We also install XenForo for you
  • Also, we are able to help you if you are struggling with installing any of our themes or add-ons in the future
  • Sproutbox is fully optimized to run XenForo
  • Daily automated back-ups
  • Our staff will help set up your domain to point or help transfer it over to our web host if needed, a free LetsEncrypt is also provided if you would like to use it on your domain.
  • Find out more here
Also, yes we have had many new customers and past clients who have decided to switch over to our Upsurge plan so that they can keep their sites on one web host instead of spreading it across multiple hosting providers. As far as it goes with the social media for Sproutbox I don't believe we use them a lot right now but you are welcome to view our Audentio and ThemeHouse social media whenever as they are usually rather active and include product announcements and more.

Let us know if you have any more questions! :)
Could you guys tell me a little more about Upsurge Forum Hosting for XF? I'm interested in the annual subscription. I mean is this real, on-going, are customers using it? The SproutBox social media Facebook and Twitter pages are dead w/o any activity this year. @ThemeHouse @Mike Creuzer @nikkiradloff
Interested in the same.
@Mike Creuzer
Ninja'd by Dalton as I was typing, but just to expand on what he said:

Our Sproutbox brand is the name of our web hosting infrastructure. We do not advertise it in any way at this time, its really just there for those who like working with us and want that relationship to extend (sometimes the final piece to complete the puzzle) to managing their servers, domains, SEO, hosting, and the like. Those pages are more just placeholders.

I hear a lot of people unhappy with large shared hosts and resellers, or people who come to XenForo one day and are gone the next. When that happens, we're there as an option for those who want some peace of mind. We aren't the cheapest, but we're here always to offer the best quality option we can.

As I mentioned, have a simple policy where we do not advertise it too much, it's there if people want it and we've got many people happily using it now. Most people on our network are for-profit forums or websites who need management, so having access to your hardware (by it being our own) makes things a lot easier when performing upgrades, new themes, new add-ons, ongoing marketing, and the like.

And yes if you guys are interested, you can cancel anytime if you want to give it a try!
I might be interested in a theme but how is the support regarding theme customization? So far on Xenforo it's mostly the community that is helping each other and I've yet to encounter better support than mythemeshop.
I might be interested in a theme but how is the support regarding theme customization? So far on Xenforo it's mostly the community that is helping each other and I've yet to encounter better support than mythemeshop.
We are always looking to work with new people! At the moment we're booked up on a project for about 6 months, so depending on scope we may pass. If you like our work, we always recommend reaching out!

Hey all! We now offer all themes and add-ons under one monthly cost, cancel anytime. Thats over 150 add-ons and themes for just one-cost. Support only available while active, but again there is no time commitment at all. We decided that the hardest thing wasn't the products but the support itself, so we hope this will help make it easier for forum owners to use any product they want whenever they want for a reasonable price that won't break the bank. We hope this helps and for those who have already subscribed we want to know what you think of this type of service!

Click here to get started!

So when i upgrade to Xenforo 2 and get this package ( XenForo Theme & Add-on Plan $24.95/mo ) i can cancel payment after i have my site full setup and running smoothly. Then if i need real support to fix issues etc, i can pay for another months subscription for the support i need to fix the problems. This is what i am getting from this!
Hmm so basically if I buy a theme that's about it, no support on customization?
We support everything the product intends to do and then some! I thought you asked if you wanted to hire us for customizations, my mistake.
So when i upgrade to Xenforo 2 and get this package ( XenForo Theme & Add-on Plan $24.95/mo ) i can cancel payment after i have my site full setup and running smoothly. Then if i need real support to fix issues etc, i can pay for another months subscription for the support i need to fix the problems. This is what i am getting from this!
That's exactly correct. :)
We may stop offering monthly someday.

Except then you'd be left with a bunch of people who might have already paid you hundreds and suddenly they're left with no option to get upgrades for all your products they're using except to pay full price for each one individually on top of everything they've already paid. Not sure how well that'd work out. ;)
Except then you'd be left with a bunch of people who might have already paid you hundreds and suddenly they're left with no option to get upgrades for all your products they're using except to pay full price for each one individually on top of everything they've already paid. Not sure how well that'd work out. ;)
The plan is cheaper than buying individual licenses. If you are worried about it then we offer annual licenses instead of monthly as everyone else does. Full flexibility not sure how we could do anything better ;) always open to suggestions
No, I'm not the one complaining about your current plans. I'm saying that if you were to do as you said you might above and one day do away with the monthly plan, you'd probably end up with some people who'd maybe paid out a hundred dollars over the previous few months and suddenly instead of looking at another $25 to get their next updates they'd be looking at having to maybe pay another $200 for the annual subscription - which would be $300 in a few months time if we go with my above example. Which might be necessary for them to do, depending on what and how many of your addon's they were using and whether those updates were absolutely needed after an XF update or because of bugs. I'm just telling what I think is a likely outcome of such a change. But do what you have to. People would get over it, eventually.
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