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Tenshi - Latest Thread - Sidebar

I've diabled it because suddenly started causing this error in my board

Server Error

Undefined offset: 0
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()inLatestThread/Model/TLatestThread.phpat line32
  2. LatestThread_Model_TLatestThread::LatestThreadArray()inLatestThread/Controller/Public.phpat line10
  3. LatestThread_Controller_Public->actionIndex()inDark/TaigaChat/ControllerPublic/Index.phpat line8
  4. Dark_TaigaChat_ControllerPublic_Index->actionIndex()inXenTrCom/TodayBirthday/Controller/Public.phpat line6
  5. XenTrCom_TodayBirthday_Controller_Public->actionIndex()inXenTrCom/LatestUsers/Controller/Public.phpat line6
  6. XenTrCom_LatestUsers_Controller_Public->actionIndex()inXenForo/FrontController.phpat line310
  7. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch()inXenForo/FrontController.phpat line132
  8. XenForo_FrontController->run()in/home/kogit/forum/index.phpat line17
Disabling it caused my board to work again. Any suggestion? Please note that I've some others addon installed
Does anyone have a birthday today as I note the birthday add-on is also referenced in the error log.
Don't you have the birthday add-on installed?
Does that not display birthdays in the sidebar somewhere?
Sure but it's not showing any birthday. I've some doubt about this addon so I really don't know if it's working or not. I'll try to enter a birthday today just to test...
For future reference, you can use this query to find birthdays:

select * from xf_user_profile where dob_month = 4 and dob_day = 4

Change the month and day to suit.
Well, I've noticed a strange thing. In the instructions here the author said to insert

<xen:include template="tenshi_latest_thread"></xen:include>

in the template. I've also noticed that in others addons the </xen:include> is missing so my question is. Is </xen:include> necessary here or everywhere or is it optional?

In the forum_list template I've

<xen:include template="tenshi_latest_thread"></xen:include>
<xen:include template="GP_donations" />
<xen:include template="xen_tr_com_latest_users" />

Is it correct or should it be

<xen:include template="tenshi_latest_thread"></xen:include>
<xen:include template="GP_donations" /></xen:include>
<xen:include template="xen_tr_com_latest_users" /></xen:include>
Either method will work.

If it's just a single template then normally you would use this: <xen:include template="name_of_template" />

If you're doing something more such as utilising variables, etc. then you would use the other method.
In any case I've not yet solved the problems with latest thread addon. Is there any workaround or can I just enable it hoping that everything work correctly. What could have caused the problem?
I would recommend for all of those who wants to show latest threads & messages using the more sophisticated and supported widget framework which has this feature build-in. I abandoned this add-on because it's no longer supported for most of the beta and all pre-releases.
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