Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

Can you give me a hint what to modify?
I'm not a PHP guru, but posted what is working for me on their support forum. I don't see what it would effect, but won't promise it won't break something.

Search for
$mobiquo_config['reg_url'] = isset($options->reg_url) && !empty($options->reg_url) : 'index.php?register';
replace with
$mobiquo_config['reg_url'] = isset($options->reg_url);
I've got to do a little more research to figure out how to exactly do what they are trying to do there. I'm slowly teaching myself PHP.
I've just found your posting on the tapatalk forum too.
It's a shame, they're using xenforo as forum engine and not posting here anymore.
I always get their update emails so not getting an update here usually isn't an issue. They will post here, but you have to nag them on their forum and they will eventually come here and update the resource.
Hello, I'm the only one who encounters trouble with Tapatalk for one week?

I no longer access a chronology and unread.
They don't plan on updating the addon anymore from the XF resources area? What a shame. :(
I don't think they have anyone really assigned to do that. I know that I checked into helping them with it not that long ago but it would require either they giving me their log-in information to continue under the same RM entry or me starting a new one under my account (and the associated problems that would entail).
Usually if they get pestered enough they drop by and update it. ;)
I always find out about updates from their mailing list. If you don't get those, then you can always 'watch' the changelog thread and then get an automated update from them.

Not really any reason to miss out when they release an update.
I always find out about updates from their mailing list. If you don't get those, then you can always 'watch' the changelog thread and then get an automated update from them.

Not really any reason to miss out when they release an update.
It'd simply allow us to keep using Chris's Deeming automatic updater. Just quicker and less of a hassle, but I can live with manual updating.
tapatalk updated Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Blackberry mobile app with a new update entry:

Tapatalk Plugin 2.0.3 released

  1. Add Tapatalk registration switch
  2. Add Usergroup assignment for Tapatalk registered user, forum owner can assign usergroup for Tapatalk registered users
  3. Add support for advanced quote(checkout quote function on Tapatalk)
  4. Remove tag function(will add back in the future)
  5. Fix compatibility problem with NodeAsTabs
  6. Fix uninstall Tapatalk will result template disable problem
  7. Fix disable Tapatalk not work problem
  8. fix a db error
  9. more compatible with old Forum system...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Can please some guys tell me if actual version 2.0.3 is working without issues? Cause older versions of 2.0.x last weeks were buggy.
What's with the full screen page asking for a tapatalk download? then another smaller banner after that?
Seriously, uninstalled, as you pimps are too busy pimping this to fix the errors still in it.

What a crappy app, it screams "GIVE US MONEY PLZ" at every opportunity, on my regular vistors who don't even want this thing. And it's still buggy as hell., bugs you still havent yet acknowledged on your own forums.
1/10 would not bang.
@tapatalk - is this a stable version? You STILL have unanswered threads here https://support.tapatalk.com/threads/update-to-2-0-caused-server-errors.23224/#post-124666 in your own forum with server error issues and your product not working right with that release a few weeks ago. Updating your customers is good practice...Glad I don't have to pay for your software or services...cheers! ;)

With respect, they asked you a question that you still haven't responded to, so how are they expected to fix the issue??
It's been 7 days since I am busy with them and still nothing, they ask me FTP access to set a problem ... I think it's limited but good!

I have to give their for 2 days and I have no response or record connectionb fortunately it is almost 30 to manage Tapatalk ...

Frankly, another highly resume the market!
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