Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

With respect, they asked you a question that you still haven't responded to, so how are they expected to fix the issue??
He PM'd me and I answered him there- not sure why he skipped the boards...apparently it's just "some" forums having the issue.
Forgotten my password for support.tapatalk.com, and the reset password link/popup doesn't work ..
"Verification: ReCAPTCHA verification is loading. Please refresh the page if it does not load."
.... and it does not load. Page refreshes don't allow it to work either.
Can you tell what version of TT plugin a site has, via URL?
Yes, if you browse to <forum root>/mobiquo/mobiquo.php you will get a response like:
Forum XMLRPC Interface for Tapatalk Application

Forum system version:1.2.5
Current Tapatalk plugin version: xf10_1.9.0
Latest Tapatalk plugin version: xf10_2.0.3
Attachment upload interface status: OK
Push notification interface status: OK

Tapatalk API for Universal Forum Access | Build Your Own
For more details, please visit http://tapatalk.com
Can you tell what version of TT plugin a site has, via URL?
Yes, you can.

It's yoursite.com/mobiquo/mobiquo.php

What I find slightly concerning about this is that is also tells you what version of forum software you are currently using.
Thanks Gents,
Funny when you click on the latest plugin version URL, it takes you to the vB plugin o_O:cautious::eek:
.... and for tapatalk's own forum they won't eat their own dogfood!! Say's it all really ....
how can I fix this errors?
ReferenceError: tapatalkDetect is not defined
tapatalkDetect()" class="errorSourceCode "><script type="text/javascript">tapatalkDetect()</script>
Hello everybody,

I need u help ! :(





My problem and no have unread message and timeline :(
how can I fix this errors?
ReferenceError: tapatalkDetect is not defined
tapatalkDetect()" class="errorSourceCode "><script type="text/javascript">tapatalkDetect()</script>

Same error here. Did you found a solution?
Xenforo 1.2.5 board.
Yup latest tapatalk and 1.2.5 XF.

Seems to be a general problem of the plugin. Almos all version suffer from this if i check tapatalk forum.
Maybe only the header file need to be updated and move out the script from the head tag like on other boards.

A little help from the autohor would be great :(
Can anyone else confirm this, reporting a post in TapaTalk doesn't actually create a report.
Was running 1.9.0 on xF 1.2.3, upgraded xF to 1.3.0 and then TT to 2.0.3. Went without a hitch. Just forgot that I needed to use the "upgrade" link not the "install add-on". Luckily, xF ACP told me I was stupid and didn't allow a reinstall :oops:
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