Not a bug Tag links character encoding problem


Well-known member
I'm using this values in Link.php

$title = strtr($title, array(
        '"' => '',
        "'" => '',
        "“" => '',
        "”" => '',
        "’" => '',
        "Ö" => "o",
        "ö" => "o",
        "C" => "c",
        "c" => "c",
        "Ğ" => "g",
        "ğ" => "g",
        "Ş" => "s",
        "ş" => "s",
        "Ü" => "u",
        "ü" => "u",
        "İ" => "i",
        "ı" => "i",
        "Ç" => "c",
        "ç" => "c",
        "é" => "i",
        "â" => "a",
        "Ê" => "e",
        "Â" => "a",
        "?" => "_",
        "*" => "_",
        "." => "_",
        "," => "_",
        ";" => "_",
        ")" => "_",
        "(" => "_",
        "{" => "_",
        "}" => "_",
        "[" => "_",
        "]" => "_",
        "!" => "_",
        "+" => "_",
        "%" => "_",
        "&" => "_",
        "#" => "_",
        "$" => "_",
        "=" => "_",
        "ê" => "e",
        "." => "-"

Works pretty good in forums, threads and member links.

However in tags, some characters doesn't work like this.

Ö -> oe
Ü -> ue
ö -> oe
ü -> ue

tags/öğretim -> tags/oegretim
tags/üniversite -> tags/ueniversite

In fact, it should be like this;
tags/öğretim -> tags/ogretim
tags/üniversite -> tags/universite
That file isn't used in this situation. The URL versions are created via a standard romanization and deaccenting. The deaccenting process translates those as you've seen (which is correct in German, IIRC). This is a situation where it will roughly be incorrect for one set of people no matter the choice, but it wouldn't really be an appropriate thing to change at this point.

If you're trying to change the deaccent process, you should change the deaccent table in the UTF-8 functions directly.
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