I'm using this values in Link.php
Works pretty good in forums, threads and member links.
However in tags, some characters doesn't work like this.
Ö -> oe
Ü -> ue
ö -> oe
ü -> ue
tags/öğretim -> tags/oegretim
tags/üniversite -> tags/ueniversite
In fact, it should be like this;
tags/öğretim -> tags/ogretim
tags/üniversite -> tags/universite
$title = strtr($title, array(
'"' => '',
"'" => '',
"“" => '',
"”" => '',
"’" => '',
"Ö" => "o",
"ö" => "o",
"C" => "c",
"c" => "c",
"Ğ" => "g",
"ğ" => "g",
"Ş" => "s",
"ş" => "s",
"Ü" => "u",
"ü" => "u",
"İ" => "i",
"ı" => "i",
"Ç" => "c",
"ç" => "c",
"é" => "i",
"â" => "a",
"Ê" => "e",
"Â" => "a",
"?" => "_",
"*" => "_",
"." => "_",
"," => "_",
";" => "_",
")" => "_",
"(" => "_",
"{" => "_",
"}" => "_",
"[" => "_",
"]" => "_",
"!" => "_",
"+" => "_",
"%" => "_",
"&" => "_",
"#" => "_",
"$" => "_",
"=" => "_",
"ê" => "e",
"." => "-"
Works pretty good in forums, threads and member links.
However in tags, some characters doesn't work like this.
Ö -> oe
Ü -> ue
ö -> oe
ü -> ue
tags/öğretim -> tags/oegretim
tags/üniversite -> tags/ueniversite
In fact, it should be like this;
tags/öğretim -> tags/ogretim
tags/üniversite -> tags/universite