XF 1.5 Stubborn Home button

First time Xen user here. Someone else migrated our VB board to the Xen and now i am trying to fix his mess. I mentioned to the owner it reminded me of a portal page. I will check that out, thank you Chris.
I didn't install it, that's the problem. Someone else moved too a new server, migrated two boards from VB to Xenforo, starting setting them up and then stopped. I took over and he hasn't done much of anything really but make a mess that i am having a hard time trying to fix lol.
You seem to be running CTA Featured Threads so you may just be able to disable that add-on in the Admin CP or if you need support with it contact the author (which in this case is @Brogan) by posting in the Resource discussion thread.
You sir are a scholar and gentleman! Thank you very much Chris! That worked. Now if i can just get this url problem fixed, i will be good too go! Thanks again Chris, you can close this thread is you want.
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