Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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I would have to guess it would be the template that caused the problem (the template modification settings for the addon couldn't find matching code to alter).

Once again, sorry I had missed your issue and I'm glad it is working for you now.
So today I was thinking about how great this mod is, but it isn't "visible" enough (in my eyes). Would it be possible to make it so members can select to show their status more clearly? What I mean is something like integration with this shoutbox:

That way we could see who was playing what (or stopped played, etc) much easier. Anyway, I'd love to see integration with it if possible! Thanks!
So today I was thinking about how great this mod is, but it isn't "visible" enough (in my eyes). Would it be possible to make it so members can select to show their status more clearly? What I mean is something like integration with this shoutbox:

That way we could see who was playing what (or stopped played, etc) much easier. Anyway, I'd love to see integration with it if possible! Thanks!

I would worry about the persistent calls to check causing load issues on the website or chat?

Using UI.X (Can't believe this hasn't been answered before - but seen it asked a million times but cannot find an answer.

1. How do I get the Signup with Steam to show up under the Sign-up button - is there a manual template edit we can do? If so, what code do we need to put there?
2. Has anyone got the badge to show on Message info using UI.X?

Seeing as it is the most widely used theme - it may be a good idea to put it under the FAQ to stop repeat asks (I did look there first)

I would worry about the persistent calls to check causing load issues on the website or chat?

That's possible, but if the check is every X minutes or whatever and then only updates the chat when there is an actual update, I don't think it'd be too bad. Each site would be different of course on what is bad and what is too much, etc. But being able to set those values ourselves would assure that each site had a setup that worked for them.
Thursday 6/30/16
When a user registers with steam they don't receive the welcome PM or Email, and they don't send user verification emails.

I know emails are working though because I'm receiving PM notifications just fine.

Also when a user registers they are being asked the captcha or security question, and they get to skip the setup required time to wait and other required data that I setup in the registration page.

What could be causing this? Is it just setup that way?

P.S. if a user registered without using steam, everything works normally.

What can I do to fix this?

Tuesday 7/5/16 (didn't want to double post lol)

Also I want to know if there is a table in the database that the plugin uses that stored the steam user steam64 ID's in relationship to the Xenforo User ID.

Reason is that I have a web/phone app that allows players to register for a whitelisted game server and we are going to bridge it to the forums and we tested it with using the steam name to add the approved user group, but sometimes the members change their steam names and if they login to the forum but not the app then the names don't match up and all hope is lost lol. As steam64's never change that would do the trick. Are they recorded anywhere?
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FYI, Valve has changed the buttons for the Steam Login, you may want to update the ones within the plugin:

The new ones are different sizes unfortunately.

As far as the lack of large_bd, I just threw together for the large_bd logo since that doesn't exist as far as I can tell on Steam. I figured since the former large_bd had a dark background to make the old button's light color stand out that I would make the new large_bd have a lighter background to compensate for the darker button. You don't have to use if you don't want, and if there's any changes you need, feel free to tell me.


  • steam_signin_large_bd.webp
    2.5 KB · Views: 19

FYI, Valve has changed the buttons for the Steam Login, you may want to update the ones within the plugin:

The new ones are different sizes unfortunately.

As far as the lack of large_bd, I just threw together for the large_bd logo since that doesn't exist as far as I can tell on Steam. I figured since the former large_bd had a dark background to make the old button's light color stand out that I would make the new large_bd have a lighter background to compensate for the darker button. You don't have to use if you don't want, and if there's any changes you need, feel free to tell me.

Thank you for the report. I'll look into this.
Heya anyone here knows if there's a way to not show your Steam Banner while steam is linked to account?

Unfortunately, this is not a feature at the moment. But it's a good idea to consider. I'll jot that down in my notes to see if it's possible.

Right now the only option is to disable the whole thing or not at all. There are some granular permissions to avoid guests seeing them, but nothing to allow users individual privacy.

So today I was thinking about how great this mod is, but it isn't "visible" enough (in my eyes). Would it be possible to make it so members can select to show their status more clearly? What I mean is something like integration with this shoutbox:

That way we could see who was playing what (or stopped played, etc) much easier. Anyway, I'd love to see integration with it if possible! Thanks!

Integrating with other add-ons is lower on my priority list at this time, but I will keep this in mind. Not sure if it can be done efficiently enough as each call takes one API request.


Using UI.X (Can't believe this hasn't been answered before - but seen it asked a million times but cannot find an answer.

1. How do I get the Signup with Steam to show up under the Sign-up button - is there a manual template edit we can do? If so, what code do we need to put there?
2. Has anyone got the badge to show on Message info using UI.X?

Seeing as it is the most widely used theme - it may be a good idea to put it under the FAQ to stop repeat asks (I did look there first)


Let me know if #1 is fixed with the latest version of Steam Auth. Make sure to have the option for it enabled in the Steam Authentication options.

As for #2, I would have to dig into the UI.X template to see how much XF code they are changing. If I get a chance, I'll see if it is possible to satisfy that template along with the stock XF code.

Thursday 6/30/16
When a user registers with steam they don't receive the welcome PM or Email, and they don't send user verification emails.

I know emails are working though because I'm receiving PM notifications just fine.

Also when a user registers they are being asked the captcha or security question, and they get to skip the setup required time to wait and other required data that I setup in the registration page.

What could be causing this? Is it just setup that way?

P.S. if a user registered without using steam, everything works normally.

What can I do to fix this?

Tuesday 7/5/16 (didn't want to double post lol)

Also I want to know if there is a table in the database that the plugin uses that stored the steam user steam64 ID's in relationship to the Xenforo User ID.

Reason is that I have a web/phone app that allows players to register for a whitelisted game server and we are going to bridge it to the forums and we tested it with using the steam name to add the approved user group, but sometimes the members change their steam names and if they login to the forum but not the app then the names don't match up and all hope is lost lol. As steam64's never change that would do the trick. Are they recorded anywhere?

Okay so...

To answer your first question, Steam Auth uses the same style of login for other XenForo external authentication services. Usually if you're logging in through a third party, there's a high chance you're human. Especially because Steam's OpenID has a authenticator attached to it. Anybody who uses SteamGuard needs to register their browser with the service to whitelist it.

The other issue is that the SteamAPI does not have any e-mail address on file. I can go back through to see if it's possible to include the e-mail address field into the final registration. As of right now, no e-mail address is needed when using the 3rd party authentication.

As for the SteamID64s, yep, they are in the tables.


FYI, Valve has changed the buttons for the Steam Login, you may want to update the ones within the plugin:

The new ones are different sizes unfortunately.

As far as the lack of large_bd, I just threw together for the large_bd logo since that doesn't exist as far as I can tell on Steam. I figured since the former large_bd had a dark background to make the old button's light color stand out that I would make the new large_bd have a lighter background to compensate for the darker button. You don't have to use if you don't want, and if there's any changes you need, feel free to tell me.

I avoided this for the moment, waiting for Valve to release an official one. If they don't, I may consider including something like this in the next update.

Thank you for providing this image as a fallback though. I'll see what happens and keep you posted.
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I avoided this for the moment, waiting for Valve to release an official one. If they don't, I may consider including something like this in the next update.

Thank you for providing this image as a fallback though. I'll see what happens and keep you posted.

Completely understand, was hoping for a Valve official, I only made it just incase anything already used it on our site, but that was not the case.
Fantastic work taking over this addon HICL, just one quesiton ... would it be possible to have a sidebar widget say showing who is currently online in steam?
@CFodder i like your idea, I had a similar idea long time ago and now i took the chance to post it:

Implement a list of all forum users that are at this moment in steam online and a textfield where users can enter a name of a game and filter the list to users that are actually playing game xyz. The field could have autocomplete with all steam game names. For this filter field use something like javascript/ajax (i don't know - i'm not a developper), so no new page refresh nessecary.

Another additional textfield filter option would be also nice to add on the following pages:
So a webuser can quickly and easily find out who and how many are playing game xyz to find players to team up or discuss. At the moment it is limited to only top 25 games on every top-list-page.

This solution would fill the gap of valuable steam information about other members in a community. In my opinion this is next step for this addon to improve in a simple but useful/fancy way. What thinks @HowIChrgeLazer?
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