Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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I had a question asked to me if/where steam information is stored in the xenforo database.

The data that is referenced for forum users is stored in the "xf_user_external_auth" table. The provider name is steam and the provider key is in SteamID64 format (this is the format used by the API). Each of these entries has a User ID which corresponds to the XenForo user ID number in "xf_user" table. No steam names, avatar urls, and other profile details are stored in the database. This is loaded from the API on a page call using the SteamID64 values.

A SteamID64 can be converted into other SteamID formats.

Game information and banner image URLs are also stored in the database, but that's another topic.

EDIT: I'd like to take a moment to say that if I do not respond to your private message, it's not because I'm ignoring you. I'm trying to follow the rule that has been set:

7) Troubleshooting

Please do not ask me (HowIChrgeLazer) directly for help via a Conversation. Unless you have sensitive information to share (which you shouldn't share with me anyways) then don't make a conversation and instead post in the resource discussion! It also provides public documentation for others in case they have similar issues.
I seem to be getting an error for each new Steam association in my error log. The link does appear to succeed regardless, though. I can't confirm if this started happening after the latest update or not because the board was closed to new registrations until an hour ago.

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: associate_login - library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php:1491
Generated By: Loser nerd girl, 5 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php(1491): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/usr/www/taconb...', 1491, Array)
#1 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/Steam/ControllerPublic/Register.php(425): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Register->_associateExternalAccount()
#2 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): Steam_ControllerPublic_Register->actionSteamRegister()
#3 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(49) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(7) {
    ["associate_login"] => string(15) "Loser nerd girl"
    ["force_assoc"] => string(1) "1"
    ["associate_password"] => string(8) "********"
    ["associate"] => string(17) "Associate Account"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    ["redirect"] => string(51) ""
    ["location"] => string(0) ""

I haven't modified the addon in any way.
I seem to be getting an error for each Steam association in my error log. The link does appear to succeed regardless, though. I can't confirm if this started happening after the latest update or not because the board was closed to new registrations until an hour ago.

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: associate_login - library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php:1491
Generated By: Loser nerd girl, 5 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php(1491): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/usr/www/taconb...', 1491, Array)
#1 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/Steam/ControllerPublic/Register.php(425): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Register->_associateExternalAccount()
#2 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): Steam_ControllerPublic_Register->actionSteamRegister()
#3 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /usr/www/taconbanana/public/gangleider/xenforo/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(49) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(7) {
    ["associate_login"] => string(15) "Loser nerd girl"
    ["force_assoc"] => string(1) "1"
    ["associate_password"] => string(8) "********"
    ["associate"] => string(17) "Associate Account"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    ["redirect"] => string(51) ""
    ["location"] => string(0) ""

Undefined index: associate_login - library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php:1491.

Hrrrmmm.. What version of XenForo are you using? Looks like a function that it's calling is having a problem.
Undefined index: associate_login - library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php:1491.

Hrrrmmm.. What version of XenForo are you using? Looks like a function that it's calling is having a problem.
Latest, 1.5.3

I have a user group promotion set up that uses some of the checks but I don't think that's related.
It's a fairly new install but it did work before (without generating the error) when I tried it on my own account a couple of weeks ago. I've updated both Xenforo and this addon once since then.
Any new users signing up also still are able to link their accounts without issue(just had someone test 5 minutes ago). The user group promotion still detects it and their profiles are added to their postbits.
It seems to be a purely "cosmetic" error, or at least any damage it causes is minimal.
It's a fairly new install but it did work before (without generating the error) when I tried it on my own account a couple of weeks ago. I've updated both Xenforo and this addon once since then.
Any new users signing up also still are able to link their accounts without issue(just had someone test 5 minutes ago). The user group promotion still detects it and their profiles are added to their postbits.
It seems to be a purely "cosmetic" error, or at least any damage it causes is minimal.

Figured out what's tripping the error log. It happens when a user inputs the wrong password for their account when associating.

Might be a bug with XenForo itself, I believe Steam Auth has similar if not the same coding for that particular function (like Twitter)
Figured out what's tripping the error log. It happens when a user inputs the wrong password for their account when associating.

Might be a bug with XenForo itself, I believe Steam Auth has similar if not the same coding for that particular function (like Twitter)
This does appear to be the case, I tried linking my Google account and intentionally gave it the wrong password, same error came up. Thanks! I'll see about forwarding this.

edit: seems like they're already aware
Recommendation, could you add a toggle in the ACP to stop users who don't have accounts being able to sign up with their steam username?

I have a lot of users with URL's / characters in their name due to their steam accounts, having them manually type a username as with regular registration would help this.
I didn't see it in the log (maybe it wasn't listed) but does this include the option to have a small icon for steam, rather than a large, wide banner?

That build was a push of the development code that has already been worked on previous to your request (bugfix that was in testing). I have yet to decide to implement/work on this or not.

Recommendation, could you add a toggle in the ACP to stop users who don't have accounts being able to sign up with their steam username?

I have a lot of users with URL's / characters in their name due to their steam accounts, having them manually type a username as with regular registration would help this.

Unfortunately I do not fully understand your request.

When a user signs up with Steam they get to chose their XenForo account name. It just autofills what they have on Steam for convenience, but they can change it if they so desire. So a check box like that won't stop them from copying and pasting the name they use on Steam.

You would be better suited to be blocking all cases of .com, .net, etc. names and so forth in the registration settings, because a user could do that regardless if they sign up via steam or not.

EDIT: I don't mean to be a backseat admin here, but I don't feel inconveniencing all registrations because of some bad apples is a good solution. The major selling point of login integration is to get a user from their favorite service to yours in as little effort as possible.

If you have a different thought process, please feel free to elaborate, I could be missing what you're trying to accomplish.
Last edited:
That build was a push of the development code that has already been worked on previous to your request (bugfix that was in testing). I have yet to decide to implement/work on this or not.

Unfortunately I do not fully understand your request.

When a user signs up with Steam they get to chose their XenForo account name. It just autofills what they have on Steam for convenience, but they can change it if they so desire. So a check box like that won't stop them from copying and pasting the name they use on Steam.

You would be better suited to be blocking all cases of .com, .net, etc. names and so forth in the registration settings, because a user could do that regardless if they sign up via steam or not.

EDIT: I don't mean to be a backseat admin here, but I don't feel inconveniencing all registrations because of some bad apples is a good solution. The major selling point of login integration is to get a user from their favorite service to yours in as little effort as possible.

If you have a different thought process, please feel free to elaborate, I could be missing what you're trying to accomplish.
Apologies, I hadn't actually seen what the addon did at the time when you sign up with a steam acc.

Would it be possible to add an option to stop it automatically entering the username for users, because of:
URL's / characters

Although usually I'd say the feature is brilliant and on a past forum had no / little issue with it, I'm concerned that users may change their Steam names and forget what they entered their username as, be unable to type it because it has weird characters that they used in their steam name or has a URL because they were gambling on a website and signed up on the site - then remove it and forgot their username.
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