Special Avatar for Banned Members

Special Avatar for Banned Members 1.3.10

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Hey Chris,

I just added this and I can't get it to work. The avatar for banned members remains the default one. Also, I don't see a banned avatar in the add-on folder. If I am to add it, what name does it need to be?

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Hey Chris,

I just added this and I can't get it to work. The avatar for banned members remains the default one. Also, I don't see a banned avatar in the add-on folder. If I am to add it, what name does it need to be?

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

The avatars were not included in the latest package.

This has now been fixed.

The default avatars are stored in styles/default/xenforo/avatars

You may need to move them into a different directory depending on how your style is set up.
They are definitely in the package now.

As I said, you need to move the files which are by default in styles/default/xenforo/avatars

To whatever directory your style keeps its avatars.

I can't tell you where THAT is because that will be specific to your style.

If you inspect element and look at your existing default avatars (male, female, ?) the banned ones will go in that directory.
Thanks for all your help.

I am still getting the default on banned members. I have banned members in the user group: banned with no secondary user groups selected.
Putting users into a user group does not ban them.

If they don't appear in Admin CP > Users > Banned Users then the user isn't banned.
No Matter what I try I get this...
Please enter a valid callback method (BannedAvatar_Listener::init).

I have Xenforo 1.2.1
Sounds like you don't have the image file in the correct directory. The avatar is placed in the default image path but your style may have its own image path defined in which case you would need to copy the images to the correct directory.
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