sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

There's just as much chance that XenForo would go under as there is of products from a great author like @sonnb no longer being supported.

No, there really really isn't. It's nice to think it but it's simply not true. Official products are far more secure.

There's been several major 3rd party developers with major addons that have disappeared or stopped supporting them.
Why should anything have to happen to it?
It is a perfectly good add-on in its own right.

Some prefer the layout and style of this, some prefer XFMG.

It is up to individuals to choose.

I must agree at the end of it I liked the layout that Chris had over this one. While looking at both of them before I purchased I thought both were great add ons. However with that said I am now glad that I did go with the one from Chris they way things did turn out :D
Fact is: Almost all add-ons with features which get included into the core product have seized development.

I think that Xenforo today only has sold more licenses for XFMG than sonnb for XG since ever.

I am a customer of XG and hope it'll be continued to be developed. Best way to show would be an update! ;-)
I own XenGallery and one of the draws to me was the album layout as the other core features were very similar to my needs. Seeing the Facebook announcement today for XFMG made me cringe and fear immediately though, as if I'd "chosen wrong". I don't want to feel that way and I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for other rather expensive addons like Donations Manager losing the developer completely. Every update for XenForo I'm in fear of it suddenly breaking and having no means of fixing it other than volunteer coders or delving in myself. It provides some very needed funds to run my site and makes it very easy for members to help out.

So here's to continued development on a very well designed addon.
Coders will only continue to code, if they A) have fun and/or B) earn money.

A: is not that stable, because no one has fun doing the same thing forever. Even as a coder you usually want to try new things from time to time.

Leaves B. But B will be very reduced and limited if there is an official add-on of the same kind.

So let us hope the best for this add-on! And keep buying!
hi, this is awesome thanks.

i just imported from photoplog, i was wondering if we can use .htaccess to redirect to new gallery please?
if this is possible, can i ask what would go in the .htaccess file please and upload to which folder?

also, when will this support .MP4 videos, any time soon please? i see you have added mediaelement thats why im asking thanks.
i would love to share the full url and add to post using my jwplayer to.

Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'sonnb_xengallery_watermark' in 'field list' ???

Please fix this issue.
Please report XML file. This field might be failed to be created in the first install. Reimport will work as there is a check for it every time xml is being imported.
Problem, everytime I import from a thread into a gallery, all former imported galleries revert (like 30 of them) to the default gallery album cover photo.

How can I import from a thread, change the gallery album cover and have it stick?
Problem, everytime I import from a thread into a gallery, all former imported galleries revert (like 30 of them) to the default gallery album cover photo.

How can I import from a thread, change the gallery album cover and have it stick?
You mean import to an existing album and the cover was changed automatically?
When I import into any album, all previously imported albums that have had a different photo chosen for the album cover have the album cover pic changed.

So when I do a new import I have to now go in and update 20 albums to change their album cover to what I want. Then if I import anything else I have to go through and redo the process on every album.
i just imported from photoplog, i was wondering if we can use .htaccess to redirect to new gallery please?
if this is possible, can i ask what would go in the .htaccess file please and upload to which folder?


im guessing this isn't possible then please?

maybe it doesn't hurt for google to find old dead images?

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