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Simple Portal 1.1.0 RC1

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Just a suggestion before you released SP 1.1

Can you make some kind character limitation? Because I see "Continue Reading" is useless when you promote a long thread and that thread show it's full content in portal.

Just like "Read More" tag ini WP

Meh, English is not my native language so it's hard to explain. I hope you understand.
Just a suggestion before you released SP 1.1

Can you make some kind character limitation? Because I see "Continue Reading" is useless when you promote a long thread and that thread show it's full content in portal.

Just like "Read More" tag ini WP

Meh, English is not my native language so it's hard to explain. I hope you understand.
This is alrady included (see this post )
bb Codes
If you do not use the following bb codes, the portal message will be cut at the max characters option set in acp and the post will display as normal. The following bb codes are NOT necessary for the portal to operate, just provides additional options of what you want displayed.
[portalpreview] - You can use this bb code in your post. Only the text between these tags will be shown on the portal as opposed to the entire post.
[portalpreview=exclusive] - If you use the exclusive bb code, the text between these tags will be shown on the Portal only, not in the post itself.
A question with this portal - do threads from the desired forum need to be manually promoted, or is there an option for automatic promotion like XenPorta?
Hi, is it possible to select more than one category for an item? Also, can the portal page be set to another page or node such as "articles" and not be the home page in the index?
Not yet.

Edit - Should add the reason - Paid addons take higher priority so all of our attention is on those at the moment.
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I can not wait to try out the new Simple Portal for XenForo 1.2.0 with all the improvements. If I will like it, I will definitely buy the branding free version to support you :)

Is there an ETA for the new version?
Open question to all who are interested: What content types would you want to be able to promote to the portal page?
For instance, would you be interested in promoting Resources to the portal? (Already on the list be the way)
What about:
  • XI Blog
  • XI Blogcomment
  • sonnb Galleryimage
Those are examples, but we need to get a feel for the most "important" ones first to be able to include them in the next feature version.

Edit - Demo Upgraded

Also please be aware, that if you have custom coded Portal Item Handlers (e.g. for the ResourceManager or a blog), they won't work with Simple Portal 1.1 anymore, because we've replaced the system with a much better solution.
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