s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.6

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It doesn't. As far as the add-on is concerned, everything already loads near-optimally most of the time.

Layout shift is more of a usability thing. The browser saves some CPU resources if it doesn't have to needlessly resize those embeds and it may slightly affect low power smartphone, but that's about it. The real win is that content doesn't move/jump around when you try to read something. Stuff like PageSpeed Insights count CLS as one of their metrics so it's possible it slightly improves some scores in some situations, but that's a fringe case.

Really the reason for this update is that I was reading a XenForo forum that uses this add-on and an embedded tweet kind of "bounced" (going up and down for half a second) and I was properly miffed that my user experience was anything less than perfect. So I investigated and fixed this issue. Realistically, only the most nitpicky observant users would notice it.
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is there a way to downgrade one version back? the latest venison requires php 8 which i have installed but then it missed up my WordPress directory. 😅
PHP 8.0's regular maintenance ended last year and it will be completely abandoned next month when PHP 8.3 comes out. Soon after, PHP 8.0 will disappear from my Linux distribution. Once I lose regular access to PHP 8.0 I will bump the requirements to the next available version, PHP 8.1. Or I may not bump the requirements and merely deprecate it, depending on how it shapes up.

If by "dropping" you meant adding support for PHP 7.4 or older, then the short answer is that it would take a disproportionate amount of work and I don't think anybody would want to sponsor it.
The Facebook Reels are not displayed, is there a way to change this?

There are 3 different things at work here:
  1. The add-on does not currently recognize /reel/ URLs. That part is the easiest to change, it would only take 15-20 minutes to update the Facebook definition, prepare the add-on files, test them on my local boards, then upload the new version here.
  2. The specific video you linked is marked as "not embeddable." If you click on the ... menu at the top right, there's no "Embed" option, so it shouldn't work.
  3. Lastly, for some reason none of Facebook's reels work for me. I tried their "Embed" menu, used their code and each and every one of them says "This video can't be embedded." I don't know why. I tried a brand new browser profile for Google Chrome with zero privacy settings, all cookies and ads enabled but Facebook won't show me the video. Tried a VPN in case they hate my IP personally, but I got the same thing.

Actually, by the time I wrote this, reels have stopped showing the "Embed" menu at all. I went back to previous reels and now I cannot find a single reel where embedding is allowed, so it's possible that Facebook simply does not want any reel to be embedded.

Here's what you should do. If you're a consumer of Facebook reels, check out their ... menu periodically to see if the Embed option comes back. If so, click on it and see if it shows the video or if it says it cannot be embedded. If that's the former, ping me and I'll look into it.
that is not related to s9e. that's a xenforo issue. from my understanding xenforo only reads the first few kbs of the html file to try to fetch the title. cnn and a lot of other sites have title tag way down the html code so it is not fetched by xenforo. this issue is growing and a lot more popular domains have this issue. washington post is another good example.

here is a relevant post on this.

that is not related to s9e. that's a xenforo issue. from my understanding xenforo only reads the first few kbs of the html file to try to fetch the title. cnn and a lot of other sites have title tag way down the html code so it is not fetched by xenforo. this issue is growing and a lot more popular domains have this issue. washington post is another good example.

here is a relevant post on this.

Okay, thank you.
it keeps on expanding to more and more domains and sadly there seems to be no plans to resolve this issue. reddit links now show generic text instead of actual post titles. there are a few other things. overall, i end up creating the bbcode using a browser extension to get around this issue for important links. no such luck on mobile browsers though lol.
Amazon requires that associates must (1) include a legally compliant disclosure with your links and (2) identify yourself on your Site as an Amazon Associate with the language required by the Operating Agreement.

1. Clear. A clear disclosure could be as simple as “(paid link)”, “#ad” or “#CommissionsEarned”.

2. Conspicuous. The disclosure should be unavoidable and easily understandable by your audience. It should be placed near any affiliate link or product review in a location that customers will notice easily. They shouldn’t have to hunt for it in a comment section or in a biography section of your profile page.

Obviously this widget does not do this. Could there be an option to display some text under the converted link to be compliant?
I'd need to think about this. Do you have any examples that show how that would be done on a regular website?

You can decorate any embeds using CSS, so in the meantime you can already add text to Amazon embeds by adding the following code to your extra.less template. It will add the word #ad below the product widget.
span[data-s9e-mediaembed="amazon"] > span::after
	content:    "#ad";
	display:    block;
	position:   relative;
	text-align: center;
	top:        240px;
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