s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Thanks. I noticed refreshing a few times also makes embedded tweets visible. Unfortunately, I am still on 2.1 version of Xenforo so everytime I need to update my version number of this add on, I get an error that my php is not current enough. I tried updating my php version, but so far anything 7.4 or above causes functionality issues on my site. I guess the solution is to go to version 2.2 at some point.
Thanks. I noticed refreshing a few times also makes embedded tweets visible. Unfortunately, I am still on 2.1 version of Xenforo so everytime I need to update my version number of this add on, I get an error that my php is not current enough. I tried updating my php version, but so far anything 7.4 or above causes functionality issues on my site. I guess the solution is to go to version 2.2 at some point.
I'm on 2.2 fully updated PHP and still getting the same problem with tweets.
I uninstalled the new version and reinstalled 2.10.4 which seems to be working again now.
Well apparently not. Some tweets still aren't loading without a lot of page refreshes.

Tried 3 different browsers and sometimes the embedded tweets load, sometimes they don't.
Since it is working with multiple page refreshes, makes me think the add on is still working, but maybe just some kind of lag issue on the Twitter side?
Is there any way for me to get X.com working on Xenforo 2.0 with S9e version 2.17.18?

Newer S9e upgrade attempts give an error saying they require a newer PHP version.
We are unable to upgrade PHP at this time.
I too see the occasional 'This tweet is unavailable' that disappears by refreshing the page. I chalk it up to Twitter being unstable and not too well maintained. Some requests just hang forever and I wouldn't be surprised if their internal services sometimes hang too, causing the embed to fail. I don't recall any changes to the add-on related to Twitter apart from adding support for x.com URLs, so the add-on version shouldn't matter here.

Downdetector reports a spike of issues today, too.
I too see the occasional 'This tweet is unavailable' that disappears by refreshing the page. I chalk it up to Twitter being unstable and not too well maintained. Some requests just hang forever and I wouldn't be surprised if their internal services sometimes hang too, causing the embed to fail. I don't recall any changes to the add-on related to Twitter apart from adding support for x.com URLs, so the add-on version shouldn't matter here.

Downdetector reports a spike of issues today, too.
Ok thanks (y)
@JoshyPHP Any chance you would reconsider requiring php 7.4 for downloads? I know there are a lot of Xenforo 2.1 sites who have chosen not to upgrade yet. The issue is, although Xenforo support claims 7.4 and newer versions are compatible with 2.1, when I try and use it I get all kinds of errors. I suspect I am not the only one. Could you not allow downloads to those of us with older versions and simply state you can't provide support?
x.com and twitter.com URLs are treated the same. Only the ID of the tweet is kept, and all tweets are embedded from twitter.com

@JoshyPHP Any chance you would reconsider requiring php 7.4 for downloads?
Currently the minimum required version is PHP 7.4 but I'll have to bump it to PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1 soon because PHP 7.4 has been abandoned for the better part of a year and it's soon going to be removed from my Linux distribution. It would be too time consuming for me to try to support those abandoned versions.
Dumb question, but say you use this add-on and you embed links for a few months and uninstall the add-on what happens to the links? Do they fallback to Xenforo's default embedding?
It depends. If you selected to use a custom [URL] BBCode in the add-on's options to embed content, then if you uninstall the add-on they all turn back to regular links no matter the source. If you use regular [MEDIA] BBCodes then they remain as embedded things. If XenForo supports the site by default (e.g. YouTube or Twitter) then they will most likely still work. If that's a site that's not supported by XenForo (e.g. Threads) then the BBCode won't produce any output.
Can I switch to URL BBcode anytime, even if I've been using the addon for several years now, without losing the old media embeds?

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