s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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@dieketzer @doublespaces There has been no recent change related to Twitter in the add-on. My guess is that it's an issue with the browser, or perhaps a server misconfiguration. Twitter embeds work fine for me on any browser but Firefox on Windows and OSX may have some difficulties. I don't know why and I have no way to reproduce it. It works fine on Firefox 44/Windows 10. If you look inside your browser's error console, there may be an error message.

You may also try loading the tweet in a separate tab, see if that works differently: https://s9e.github.io/iframe/twitter.min.html#710881562846306304

what is strange is that i can see embedded tweets normally on some sites, yet not on others (including my own)
nvm: it wasdown to my own paranoia (ghostery)
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Ah Ghostery. AFAIK, they'd block widgets of social networks by default (although you could disable it). I found that extra feature unnecessary, so I've only been using ABP with EasyList+EasyPrivacy rules.
Works now but I think I will disable it as it doesn't add a scrollbar. :/ (huge posts)

You can limit the height of an embed in CSS. Just add this to your EXTRA.css template:
    max-height: 400px;

I would like to see these popular media sites

It's going to take me some time to go through this list. So far I've only looked into Veoh and Vice. I'm surprised that Veoh is still alive, they went bankrupt and were liquidated a few years back but apparently someone bought the name and assets. When I visited one of their page it triggered a malware alert, which is generally not a goot sign. I'll have to check whether it's a common occurence with the site.

The criteria I use to include new sites to the pack is their Alexa rank, organic activity on social networks and their growth rate.

@JoshyPHP tried out this brightcove vide from EW.com and its not working out. Thoughts?

I'm going to add support for bcove.me links.
Vice and guardian are extremely popular on my big board.
We have a lot of veoh entries though most are old.
I've read the last 40 pages now, thanks for your overwhelming support here. I still have a question, which hopefully is easy to solve, but I would need some help please:
I want to add a short, CSS-formatted text below each embedded media, some kind of a disclaimer, with some padding-top. The width of the text should have exactly (or almost exactly) the width of the embedded media. Of course the text should break responsive, if browser/media is resized.

Can this be achieved just with EXTRA.css, including the message text? How would you approach, please?
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