s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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You can send it to me in private if you want. I don't there will be anything out of the ordinary in it but I'll take a look at it, sure.
I have a question.

I don't see where you put the iframe embed code in youtube embeds. it's currently embeding the smallest option. i need to change that. where do I go to edit the iframe to use width="853" height="480"
@Mindzipper It's generated in PHP in order to handle some options like playlists and timestamps. There's no easy way to change the size of an embed at the moment. I've thought about having a textbox where each site's dimensions could be specified in the form "sitename=width,height" but I never had time to implement it. In your case, you'd have to enter "youtube=853,480". Would such a solution work for you? If so, I'll try tackling it in the upcoming days.
@Mindzipper Thinking about it, you can just edit YouTube, remove the "Embed HTML Callback" in the Advanced Options and replace the Embed HTML with yours.
<iframe width="853" height="480" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/{$id}"></iframe>
Then you can add "YouTube" in the "Excluded sites" option in Home > Options > s9e Media Pack so that it doesn't get overwritten the next time you upgrade.
Perfect. worked just right. So, also, i didn't do the update you just posted as I had just installed before the update.

one question, how soon do you think it might be before you add this feature? It's OK in the vimeo because the iframe code is editable

But I'd sure like to be able to do this universally

FYI we are going to donate. this addon is absolutely fantastic since you have pretty much every site
What would the real world applications of this be?
Every now and then, people (like @Mindzipper above) want to change the size of an embed and there's no easy way to do it. Now there's a setting for that. It works on a per-site basis.

It works with responsive embeds too. You can set YouTube to 1280 × 720 and it will scale down for mobile users if you have enabled responsive embeds.
I don't think I could support that kind of URLs. Vines have to be embedded via their post URL. You'd need a general-purpose video BBCode to embed that URL.
@tommydamic68 ah I see. So basically you are asking @JoshyPHP if Photobucket can be added to this add-on and you are citing this URL:


Joshy has said previously about adding Photobucket:

@Axel B I looked into it and I don't think I will add it to the add-on, sorry. Photobucket doesn't use a single identifier to access a given video and it makes it much harder to implement as a media site.
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