s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Yes, I'd like to support Imgur's new GIFV. The problem at the moment is that when I created the Imgur media site I didn't foresee that I would use it for anything but albums, so it's going to require a bit of thinking to do it properly.
They should have used /v/ for animated GIFs converted to videos like they use /a/ for albums and /gallery/ for gallery links. :) Would have made it easier.
That would have made it easier to identify GIFV by their URLs, yes.

In my case, though, the issue of complexity is entirely mine. When I created the Imgur media site, I only intended to support albums and therefore the code [ΜEDIA=imgur]abc123[/ΜEDIA] refers to the album abc123. If I'm going to support other media I'll have to add a qualifier, e.g. [ΜEDIA=imgur]id=abc123;type=album[/ΜEDIA] or [ΜEDIA=imgur]id=abc123;type=gifv[/ΜEDIA] and if I do I'll have to decide what the default type should be. If it's not "album" it will mean that current users will have to use the Post Content Replacer to update their old embeds. It's not difficult from a technical standpoint but I want to get it right and not change my mind later because I don't want to ask users to update their old embeds multiple times, if any.
@JoshyPHP, we have a lot of tablet/mobile users and are quite heavily optimised for them. As a solution to issues with Flash and eBay, why not provide a simple fallback as a line of text?
This member posted an eBay widget which your device cannot utilise, the original link is here.

Or even better, just scrap the "To Go" widget completely and IFRAME the mobile eBay site which displays at a small width.
I will see what I can do for the link fallback but the problem with XenForo is that when you embed something you lose its URL forever. What you can do on your side is enable Auto-Embedding and just post the link rather than using the Media button.

Or even better, just scrap the "To Go" widget completely and IFRAME the mobile eBay site which displays at a small width.
I don't know about that site, can you tell me more? If that's an actual mobile site and not something that is meant to be embedded, chances are it specifically prevents being embedded in an iframe.
I will see what I can do for the link fallback but the problem with XenForo is that when you embed something you lose its URL forever.
That shouldn't matter as you still have the item ID and can just regex it onto the end of http://ebay.co.uk/itm/.

What you can do on your side is enable Auto-Embedding and just post the link rather than using the Media button.
Aye, we're already doing that at the moment.

I don't know about that site, can you tell me more? If that's an actual mobile site and not something that is meant to be embedded, chances are it specifically prevents being embedded in an iframe.
Unless the X-Frame-Options have been explicitly set in the HTTP headers, it shouldn't be an issue but I'm not having much luck in testing at the moment. Looks like the mobile websites checks the user agent and just redirects to the desktop website.
That shouldn't matter as you still have the item ID and can just regex it onto the end of http://ebay.co.uk/itm/.
Yes, in eBay's case it seems that we can rebuild a URL with just its ID. There's a little more work involved in order to point to the right domain but otherwise it's possible to create a link. Currently, my problem is that I don't think HTML5 handles a fallback to an <embed> element. Every documentation I find on the subject uses JavaScript, which comes with its own issues.

Looks like the mobile websites checks the user agent and just redirects to the desktop website.
If you're talking about m.ebay.com then yes, not only it checks the user agent but it also sets X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN.
Yes, in eBay's case it seems that we can rebuild a URL with just its ID. There's a little more work involved in order to point to the right domain but otherwise it's possible to create a link. Currently, my problem is that I don't think HTML5 handles a fallback to an <embed> element. Every documentation I find on the subject uses JavaScript, which comes with its own issues.
I'd come to the exact same conclusion myself, there isn't a Flash fallback which doesn't involve Javascript. However that said, we can provide JS fallback. So we could have the "embed" and fallback text output in the HTML, then the fallback is disabled if Flash is detected and both displayed if JS is disabled (not elegant, but works).

If you're talking about m.ebay.com then yes, not only it checks the user agent but it also sets X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN.
Well that's a bummer on that front, I tried looking at 3rd party options for eBay widgets and didn't come up with much. Ideally a HTML5 widget from eBay will solve the issue but I doubt it's something they consider important.
@cyry I need links to the things you want to embed.
Sure , here you have :

<iframe width="870" height="430" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="http://videomega.tv/iframe.php?ref=cCYTBGdDbMMbDdGBTYCc&width=870&height=430" allowFullScreen></iframe>


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://videomega.tv/validatehash.php?hashkey=099067089084066071100068098077077098068100071066084089067099"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://videomega.tv/validateemb.php?width=870&height=430"></script>
Indeed, togo.ebay.com does not resolve anymore. They might have silently discontinued the service since the last time I checked.

Their other widgets return a 503 too, I don't know whether it's related.
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