s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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How do you picture it working from the users' standpoint? The chat would need to be in a separate iframe, where would it go relative to the video and what dimension would it be? Would the chat appear alongside every video (including past broadcasts/VODs) or only on links to channels?

Have you thought about creating a custom BBCode for it?
How do you picture it working from the users' standpoint? The chat would need to be in a separate iframe, where would it go relative to the video and what dimension would it be? Would the chat appear alongside every video (including past broadcasts/VODs) or only on links to channels?

Have you thought about creating a custom BBCode for it?
I was hoping that it might be possible to have one BB media code that incorporated both. It would only be valid for the channels (the links provided) as they are live streaming whereas the others aren't.

I was looking at using it in combination with Xen Media Gallery rather than in posts, hence the need for one BB Code rather than two.

There is another add-on that I includes the chat (it puts the video and chat side-by-side) but I was asking you as I already use your add-on and yours also supports the other Twitch videos which the other add-on doesn't.

The reason that this arose today is because I was watching someone on my site using the current embed in XMG but I was unable to use the Twitch chat without visiting the site.
Getting errors generated by this script I think:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Invalid opcode 153/1/8. - library/s9e/MediaBBCodes.php:195
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Is there a fix known?
According to Google it's a problem with your eAccelerator which may be woefully out of date. You can try updating it or disabling it, or its optimizer. Personally, if you control your server I'd recommend installing PHP 5.5 with the default Opcache instead. eAccelerator hasn't been updated in 2 years.
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According to Google it's a problem with your eAccelerator which may be woefully out of date. You can try updating it or disabling it, or its optimizer. Personally, if you control your server I'd recommend installing PHP 5.5 with the default Opcache instead. eAccelerator hasn't been updated in 2 years.
Thanks... all caused by a server upgrade to MySQL and have now taken the step of going to PHP 5.5 w/o eAccelerator and all is well again (well aside from some other sites that have ioncube encrypted scripts on them that needed to be redone)

@Martok I've thought about your request. I'm still unsure about how it should look and how many people would want that feature. Currently I think the cost of implementing it as an option outweighs its benefits so I don't intend to implement it in the foreseeable future.

However, there's a way to do it on your side. Create a file named Custom.php with this content:

class s9e_Custom
	public static function twitch($html, $vars)
		if (!isset($vars['archive_id']) && !isset($vars['chapter_id']))
			$html .= '<iframe width="620" height="378" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//twitch.tv/chat/embed?channel=' . urlencode($vars['channel']) . '&amp;popout_chat=true" style="resize:both"></iframe>';

		return $html;
Upload this file to your server into upload/library/s9e/Custom.php
When you're done, reinstall the latest version of the pack. From then on, the chat should appear alongside channel embeds. If you're happy with the result, please send me a link to a channel being embedded this way on your site so that I can see it in action and reconsider making part of the add-on.
About to install this, are there instructions to add affiliate tags to the amazon embed ones automatically?
If you enter "amazon" in the top right search in your admin panel, there's an option named AMAZON_ASSOCIATE_TAG. It will add your tag to Amazon embeds.

How do I embed google spreadsheets once this is installed?
If you post a link to a Spreadsheet, it should automatically embed. Otherwise, you can click on the "Media" button in the post editor and paste the URL. In case it doesn't work, post the URL here so that I can look at it.


<iframe style="{option}" frameborder='0' src='https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?{param}&output=html&widget=true'></iframe>

Ideally I'd like to cut the headers off the document off like so:

<iframe width="100%" height="600" style="resize:both" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key={$id}?widget=true&amp;headers=false&amp;rm=minimal" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Thanks for the swift reply, sir!

<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key={$id}?widget=true&amp;headers=false"></iframe>
Ok, that's a URL format I thought was discontinued. I'm going to update the add-on in a moment.

Ideally I'd like to cut the headers off the document off like so:
Good news, that looks like the format I already use.

Thanks for the swift reply, sir!
No prob'. If you're satisfied with the add-on, you can leave a review and watch the resource for updates! :)

i'd like to specify a page on said document too:
If that can be done I'll try to implement that.
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Last question. I have an old version of this installed that only had a few of the media sites. Can I just write over all of that or do I need to uninstall?
No need to uninstall. What I do when I upgrade my test board is I overwrite the MediaBBCodes.php with the new one from the archive then I go to the admin panel where it says "Installed Add-ons" on the front page, click s9e Media Pack and update with the new addon.xml.
No need to uninstall. What I do when I upgrade my test board is I overwrite the MediaBBCodes.php with the new one from the archive then I go to the admin panel where it says "Installed Add-ons" on the front page, click s9e Media Pack and update with the new addon.xml.
lol okay and I don't have to uninstall old mediapacks right? It will just overwrite all of them? Pretty nervous as I have a TON of old media embeds on my site...
It will overwrite your old media sites.

I think that if you back up the table named xf_bb_code_media_site in your database, you can use it to restore the old sites if you're not happy with the upgrade.
It will overwrite your old media sites.

I think that if you back up the table named xf_bb_code_media_site in your database, you can use it to restore the old sites if you're not happy with the upgrade.
I'm from Texas and we shoot from the hip. Here we go!
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