Responsive Social Sharing Buttons

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5.7

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For Tumblr button, it does not work. Must we configure more to make it work ?
For Pinterest button, when I press this button, how can I change default "Xenforo" image by the image in the thread or avatar image of poster ?

For Tumblr button, it does not work. Must we configure more to make it work ?
For Pinterest button, when I press this button, how can I change default "Xenforo" image by the image in the thread or avatar image of poster ?


It looks like the URL format used by Tumblr has changed and the old one is now unsupported. It will be fixed in the next release.

If you wish to manually fix it, in the template "SV_rrssbShares"

<a href=";v=3&t={$title}&amp;u={$url}" class="popup">

And replace with

<a href="{$url}&amp;name={xen:urlencode $title}" class="popup">

Also per description:

Note: This add-on will use the image set in Style Properties: Header and Navigation > Facebook Open Graph Logo for Pinterest shares so if you have not set a custom image the default XenForo image will be used.

If you want to set another image you can delete this code in the same template as above and add your own. I will look at adding an option for a custom image in the next release.

media={xen:helper fullurl, @ogLogoPath, 1}

It looks like the URL format used by Tumblr has changed and the old one is now unsupported. It will be fixed in the next release.

If you wish to manually fix it, in the template "SV_rrssbShares"

<a href=";v=3&t={$title}&amp;u={$url}" class="popup">

And replace with

<a href="{$url}&amp;name={xen:urlencode $title}" class="popup">

Also per description:

If you want to set another image you can delete this code in the same template as above and add your own. I will look at adding an option for a custom image in the next release.

media={xen:helper fullurl, @ogLogoPath, 1}

For Google+, we can not use google+ button to post to Google+ Fanpage, only post to personal Google+ Page. Can you add an option to choose Google+ Fanpage & personal Google+ Page for posting ?

Thanks so much for your support.
SimonV updated Responsive Social Sharing Buttons with a new update entry:

Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 1.5 beta

v1.5 beta update contains the following:
  • Added support for default sidebar locations (beta)
  • Updated Tumblr sharing URL to new URL format
  • Added Delicious share button
  • Added StumbleUpon share button
  • Fixed an issue where page node navigation would obstruct share buttons
  • Fixed and issue where js was not included if only top location in pages was enabled
  • Fixed an issue where icon hit areas were breaking out of containers
  • Updated option to exclude nodes (forums and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Slight issue with this and the add-on for featured homepage @Brogan has, conflict possibly between the exclude forum options? It doesn't throw a backend error, just frontend.

I have forums excluded in brogans add-on from showing on the homepage... possibly the conflict?

Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 4.31.47 pm.webp
Thanks for supporting a free addon, I had the wrong impression about the XenForo community. I think I'm going to put my time to better use in the future.
Great response(y)
If you had implement this from the start i had no prob with that because then you know and i wouldn't install it.
Now the community has found of it and branding is added.
I rather pay a small fee in advance then getting this but hey, it's yours...
But you can understand that this wasn't mentioned before. Anyway, good luck with it.:whistle:
I think your post says more about you than the addon or the branding.

There's noting stopping you using the old version or even removing the branding without anyone even knowing.
I think your post says more about you than the addon or the branding.

There's noting stopping you using the old version or even removing the branding without anyone even knowing.
Another great way of communicating. Still lot to learn there.
Anyhow, i'm not telling anything bad about your stuff!
Why should one use the old addon that is not supported?
Branding is no prob if you do it in advance, but after...
But for me your response says enough.
Another great way of communicating. Still lot to learn there.
Anyhow, i'm not telling anything bad about your stuff!
Why should one use the old addon that is not supported?
Branding is no prob if you do it in advance, but after...
But for me your response says enough.

Who said the old version is not supported?

The only lesson learned here is to put my time to better use in the future. It's not like I'm looking to make money here, $20 isn't going to get me very far now is it?
Who said the old version is not supported?

The only lesson learned here is to put my time to better use in the future. It's not like I'm looking to make money here, $20 isn't going to get me very far now is it?
Ok, where do we then download the old version updates? In that case i have said nothing.
No one is accusing you of making money and by the way, that is your right. But do it when the addon comes out plz so we don't have any surprises afterwarths...
Ok, where do we then download the old version updates? In that case i have said nothing.
No one is accusing you of making money and by the way, that is your right. But do it when the addon comes out plz so we don't have any surprises afterwarths...

Your preference in how I share my work may have worked if there was actually any value in said work at the beginning. Which in my opinion there was not.

Personally a more constructive solution to anyone wishing to use my work but not support it or give credit for it might be for me to create a "free" version that works in threads only.
Your preference in how I share my work may have worked if there was actually any value in said work at the beginning. Which in my opinion there was not.

Personally a more constructive solution to anyone wishing to use my work but not support it or give credit for it might be for me to create a "free" version that works in threads only.
Personally i wouldn't mind paying 5 dollar or so for this addon. But that's just personnal. I see you have created a free version elsewhere so that's great!(y)
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