Responsive Design for XenForo 1.1 [Paid] [Deleted]

Many of my members use Tapatalk. Would using this allow me to drop it? I want to take advantage of advertising but don't want to lose any features my Tapatalk users might be enjoying. Any advice appreciated.
Many of my members use Tapatalk. Would using this allow me to drop it? I want to take advantage of advertising but don't want to lose any features my Tapatalk users might be enjoying. Any advice appreciated.
Same situation here. I disable Tapatalk after a month of using this. No complaint so far.
Keep in mind that Tapatalk constantly connect to your forum so the number of members shown using Tapatalk is really overstated. There are less members actually using tapatalk.
Same situation here. I disable Tapatalk after a month of using this. No complaint so far.
Keep in mind that Tapatalk constantly connect to your forum so the number of members shown using Tapatalk is really overstated. There are less members actually using tapatalk.
I see. Thanks for the reply.
Installed and working. However, two things which stand out straight away.

On the iPhone;
2012-12-11 16.58.09.webp

All the pages are the same no matter where I browse to on the site.

On the iPad2, the post area is over flowing (have also tested that on the support site and it does the same.)

2012-12-11 16.58.50.webp

Any suggestions on how to fix these?
First issue is caused by ads. Add this to responsive_extra.css
.pageContent > center { display: none; }
Second issue will be fixed in next update, which will be released within next few days.
First issue is caused by ads. Add this to responsive_extra.css
.pageContent > center { display: none; }
Thanks for that. I've applied it, but it's still not bringing the width back out.

I've got adds at the top and bottom of the forum for guests in the following locations:

Try wrapping ads in div.responsiveHide. Add
<div class="responsiveHide">
before ads code and
after it
First issue is caused by ads. Add this to responsive_extra.css
.pageContent > center { display: none; }
Second issue will be fixed in next update, which will be released within next few days.
In the next update, can you make it so the /js/responsive/responsive.js is a relative path so that we can use CDN to host them. Right now, it's the only one that is still called using the absolute path, the rest of the js are served by our CDN.
In the next update, can you make it so the /js/responsive/responsive.js is a relative path so that we can use CDN to host them. Right now, it's the only one that is still called using the absolute path, the rest of the js are served by our CDN.
Same here. We have our JS on a separate domain, and this is being called locally.
What did you change in settings to move other scripts to other domain? I'll try to apply same functionality.
uhmmm do you think that Adsense will accept this?
I think that can be more safe to use a Xenforo conditional to not modify the adsense code.
To get around this, I've created a new, smaller add which I'm including in the if statement.

if ($(window).width() > 800)
/* Forum Bottom */
google_ad_slot = "XXXXXXXXXX";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
/* Forum Bottom Small */
google_ad_slot = "YYYYYYYYYY";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;

I can't see that being an issue with Google, because it's not changing the size of the existing larger add, but replacing it with the smaller add.
What did you change in settings to move other scripts to other domain? I'll try to apply same functionality.
$config['externalDataUrl'] = '';
$config['javaScriptUrl']  = '';

Just noticed on my site while using the iPad in Chrome, the TinyMCE editor is working as well!

Have logged into the artodia site, and it's not there on the iPad.

it's working on here now as well :confused:
That functionality is handled by XenForo scripts. It disables TinyMCE based on user agent string, not resolution
That functionality is handled by XenForo scripts. It disables TinyMCE based on user agent string, not resolution
Thanks. I just figured why. In chrome, you can tell it to request desktop site, which must send a different user agent. Sorry for spamming up your thread, it's only because I noticed it while testing the responsive design (y)
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