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Registration Form Timer 2.0

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Would be fantastic to hear some feedback on the latest version, especially now that it includes the StopBotters API :)

Any statistics?
1 more thing.... Does this block the registration before the bot can sign up? Because one of the biggest problems is, they use fake emails and all "waiting for confirmation" state members get piled up in the Search Users section. Plus for each fake email used, I get a bounced email.
1 more thing.... Does this block the registration before the bot can sign up? Because one of the biggest problems is, they use fake emails and all "waiting for confirmation" state members get piled up in the Search Users section. Plus for each fake email used, I get a bounced email.
Yes, they are stopped before any data is written to the database.
Probably leave it as unchecked for now.

If you still get bots coming through then activate it.

The reason it is probably best to leave it unchecked is if a spammer ends up in the database called "ineedhelp" it may incorrectly block you from registering on some forums that run StopBotters.

Obviously it's unlikely because it no doubt checks for other metrics that you won't match, but that's just an extreme example. You don't want it to accidentally block legitimate members.
This is so far the most effective spam combat addon I've used. My records shows over 2k stopped registration attempts. More than powerful, exceptional addon. (y)
installed add-on >> enabled registration by the time i search for the logs (about a minute) 2 bots (whatever they're called ) stopped.

Excellent work Chris. (y)
For me it has been much more effective since the stopbotters addition. Blocked registrations from my other spam prevention addons are down to a handful a day from thousands before the addition. Excellent work Chris!

Any chance of adding stopforumspam to the mix? :D
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