Fixed  Quick Navigation Menu / Home-Link


Well-known member
I do have just the Forum as the Homepage, meaning I have no "Home" button as I didn´t enter the URL into the field in ACP.

just a small issue, but still wanted to report:
at the "Quick Navigation Menu" it still shows both "Home" and "Forums". It actually should not show the "Home"-Link when there is no "Home"-button.

this is on my install at XF Beta5.
I know this and have actually no Home URL entered. So this is fine as the "Home"-button is not showing in the navigation-menu.

Still it shows a "Home"-Link in the "Quick Navigation Menu".
In template quick_navigation_menu, change
<li><a href="{$homeLink}">{xen:phrase home}</a></li>
<xen:if is="{$showHomeLink}"><li><a href="{$homeLink}">{xen:phrase home}</a></li></xen:if>
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