Profile Cover

Profile Cover [Paid] 2.2.1

No permission to buy ($9.90)
I enabled font awesome CDN in another add-ons options and it fixed it, except the trash-can icon and "Remove Cover" is missing. Does this mean member can't go back to "none" after uploading picture?
Ok, that link just says the updates, theres no instruction. It is for version 2.0.3. I have version 2.0.4 so I should be good.

I had to go to options -> profile cover options -> enable font awesome...this fixed one problem and is what I was asking how to do.

But there is still no "delete cover" option. So I go to permissions -> delete cover by anyone: allow...then delete option is there...but user can also delete anyone else's cover as well...this is no good so I changed it back to "No". Still no "delete cover" option.

Version 2.0.3 says it fixes this problem. Do you know what is wrong?
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Ok, that link just says the updates, theres no instruction. It is for version 2.0.3. I have version 2.0.4 so I should be good.

I had to go to options -> profile cover options -> enable font awesome...this fixed one problem and is what I was asking how to do.

But there is still no "delete cover" option. So I go to permissions -> delete cover by anyone: allow...then delete option is there...but user can also delete anyone else's cover as well...this is no good so I changed it back to "No". Still no "delete cover" option.

Version 2.0.3 says it fixes this problem. Do you know what is wrong?
In the dropdown when you click in the Cover. You should see the link to Remove Cover?
Also I did this:
To get this when user doesn't have picture added:
It shows up for other members visiting profile page but if they use it, it uploads to their own page so it's ok. I don't know how to do stuff like "if not user etc" or I would have made it only visible to the profile page owner. But I still like it for visibility as opposed to in username overlay.
Just one last thing...Do you know how to make this only visible to owner of profile page?

I did this:
Is it possible to keep the normal "large" avatar below the profile banner instead of it resizing to a thumbnail on the cover?
How can I buy this? it redirects me to Nobita's website, I try to register but it asks for Admin confirmation...? Please make the purchase service faster, like a Cocacola Can Machine... insert money, get product.
Is there a way to get the avatar OVER the profile cover, like Facebook or IPB ?

Can you display the profile cover on membercard like IPB ?
Is there a way to get the avatar OVER the profile cover, like Facebook or IPB ?

Can you display the profile cover on membercard like IPB ?
It kinda does go over top but no it doesn't go into member card. Also, once members upload an image, they can't get rid of it, only change it i think.


Did you see this one? Tons of options and places for covers and permissions:
Really makes more permanent threads look pro. No member card there either...your talking about that small pop-up? Can't put an image there.
Hello, thanks for the reply and the screenshot

Not really interessed into thread covers, just profile covers

Any idea which addon is being used in this screenshot? I want the transparent overlay exactly like this, with big avatars over it:

Too bad none of the profile cover addons enable cover into the membercard. It would be really cool. IPB has it built-in by default, screenshot here:
I want something exactly like this. I would pay just for this feature !
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