Profile Cover

Profile Cover [Paid] 2.2.1

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So… I found a layout bug, I don't know if it was mentioned before but since I saw no pics of it I will provide one at least.

The personal profile / newsfeed page becomes broken when the add-on is activated. I tested several situations with my styles and found out that even the default style was affected. Since I did no modification to the default style (of course) it had to be an add-on.

It came down to me deactivating all add-ons at once (thanx to XF 1.5) and then tried one after another alone. Long story short: Profile Cover is the root of the broken layout (see screenshot).

Furthermore the thumbnails of the newsfeed got deleted. I don't know if this is coincidence or origin of the bug too.

View media item 994
So… I found a layout bug, I don't know if it was mentioned before but since I saw no pics of it I will provide one at least.

The personal profile / newsfeed page becomes broken when the add-on is activated. I tested several situations with my styles and found out that even the default style was affected. Since I did no modification to the default style (of course) it had to be an add-on.

It came down to me deactivating all add-ons at once (thanx to XF 1.5) and then tried one after another alone. Long story short: Profile Cover is the root of the broken layout (see screenshot).

Furthermore the thumbnails of the newsfeed got deleted. I don't know if this is coincidence or origin of the bug too.

View media item 994
Just look your style. Im used default and work fine :)
Nobita.Kun updated Profile Cover with a new update entry:

Version 2.3.0 released!
Delete works (y)

So… I found a layout bug, I don't know if it was mentioned before but since I saw no pics of it I will provide one at least.

The personal profile / newsfeed page becomes broken when the add-on is activated. I tested several situations with my styles and found out that even the default style was affected. Since I did no modification to the default style (of course) it had to be an add-on.

It came down to me deactivating all add-ons at once (thanx to XF 1.5) and then tried one after another alone. Long story short: Profile Cover is the root of the broken layout (see screenshot).

Furthermore the thumbnails of the newsfeed got deleted. I don't know if this is coincidence or origin of the bug too.

View media item 994
I get the same issue on the default 1.4.10 Xenforo style.
I get the same issue on the default 1.4.10 Xenforo style.
Just look your style. Im used default and work fine :)

@Nobita.Kun : See above. It is not the style. I summarize the facts for you:
  1. It happens with the XF Default Style
  2. The XF Default Style is untouched
  3. It only happens when your add-on is active
  4. It does not happen when your add-on is deactivated
So origin is your add-on and not any style.
@Nobita.Kun : See above. It is not the style. I summarize the facts for you:
  1. It happens with the XF Default Style
  2. The XF Default Style is untouched
  3. It only happens when your add-on is active
  4. It does not happen when your add-on is deactivated
So origin is your add-on and not any style.
You sure?
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Default Style + No custom of Profile cover. I have tested on Google Chrome + Safari. Work fine.
With Profile Cover 2.0.2 there was the layout bug…. with Profile Cover 2.0.3 the layout bug is gone again... Don't tell me you did "nothing" to fix this, you sneaky guy you… :p
I still get the news feed bug in 2.0.3 using the default xenforo 1.4.10 style.

I like the new settings for crop dimensions but they don't take affect until a member repositions their image.
I think he mentioned on the test builds it needs a full removal as its a complete overwrite but I'll let him reply.

That's a shame, I'm happy with my set up, but I just need to be able to upload from mobile devices, which 1.2.4 doesn't allow and I believe this new version does.

Have you "upgraded" to this new version? If so, how does it handle existing covers? Do they all get removed as well?
I removed it unfortunately and added the new version. It alters the location to the older version and stretches it across the top of your profile now.
Man, I wish he had just updated the old version so we could upgrade as normal without losing any information, covers or edits. I'm not too worried about his styling and location because I've completely changed the location, size, etc anyway, so I don't really fancy starting from scratch and doing it all again, but with that said, I do need mobile upload functionality. Arrrrggggghhhhh! Damn catch 22's! lol
Yeah I know how you feel, I prefer the older one but had to use the tweaks from @Gemma to clean it up to how the current newer one is.

I am not sure if upgrading now will break it but during his initial builds he said do not update it as it won't work I think.
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