Profile Completion Steps [Paid] [Deleted]

Turns out I am here today...

This is a beta. I don't have time to write docs. You setup tasks in the user section of the ACP. I make add-ons for web masters, you should be able to spot this yourself. Docs will come when I have time to update my website, write the docs and the time to maintain after each release.

Setup mode has a description and is exactly what the name implies... a setup mode. You tick it to while setting up...

Set up tasks in Users -> Tasks and then see if it works.
Turns out I am here today...

This is a beta. I don't have time to write docs. You setup tasks in the user section of the ACP.

I didn't see your reply since you didn't quote me.
This may be beta but your customers still are paying for your work, making a document explaining the setup would actually save you time so you didn't have to answer the same questions over and over. ;) How are we suppose to know we have to setup task if the developer hasn't mentioned it. Maybe it was mentioned in the thread, I looked at the first post then purchased.

I make add-ons for web masters, you should be able to spot this yourself.
You should never assume people will just "figure it out" (y)
Docs will come when I have time to update my website, write the docs and the time to maintain after each release.

Setup mode has a description and is exactly what the name implies... a setup mode. You tick it to while setting up...

I guess I just don't understand.
NOTE: this option is used to setup and test your tasks before taking it to public. While this is enabled only admins will see the account completion areas and completing a task is not logged. When disabled a task only has to be completed once for your normal user so they don't have to do something more than once. Also, if a new task is added before one they have already completed they will not get that task regardless to prevent going backwards in completion.
So if admins already have those fields set, it's not going to show?
Should I clear out my profile fields to see the profile complete banner?

Set up tasks in Users -> Tasks and then see if it works.
I didn't see anything under user, I did find this under application
I setup these task, they = 100
I enabled the mod, registered a new user and couldn't see anything on my styles, even the default xf one.
I then disabled all mods but the profile field one and still couldn't see anything on my new account. :(

Thanks for the help, I'm just trying to get this setup.
You are the first person to ask that question, so it wouldn't have saved me time. I simply don't have it and I make these add-ons at a loss.

Oh I thought it was under user :/ Must be thinking of a different add-on.

Anyways, the setup mode is so nothing is saved on the user side because of the way things are handled when users are shown the tasks. It also only shows them to admins while you set them up. Otherwise users will see one task for 100% when you first make one etc. And if they complete it while you are adding more they will never see the new ones because they will already be set at 100%.

They don't have to exactly equal 100% btw, just as long as it doesn't go over by 2 tasks... as in the last tasks percentage will be figured out from what is left to make up 100.

Are you using any sidebar modifying add-ons? And out of setup mode when you did this testing? Also did you see it in setup mode as admin? Any errors in the error log? Also do a file health check.
You are the first person to ask that question, so it wouldn't have saved me time. I simply don't have it and I make these add-ons at a loss.
Actually I saw a few threads on your support forum regarding a manual o_O
Oh I thought it was under user :/ Must be thinking of a different add-on.

Anyways, the setup mode is so nothing is saved on the user side because of the way things are handled when users are shown the tasks. It also only shows them to admins while you set them up. Otherwise users will see one task for 100% when you first make one etc. And if they complete it while you are adding more they will never see the new ones because they will already be set at 100%.
ah, ok
They don't have to exactly equal 100% btw, just as long as it doesn't go over by 2 tasks... as in the last tasks percentage will be figured out from what is left to make up 100.

Are you using any sidebar modifying add-ons? And out of setup mode when you did this testing?
I might very well have one, I'll check
Also did you see it in setup mode as admin?
Any errors in the error log?
Also do a file health check.
yup, it's clean

I'll check to see if we have a side mod setup somewhere.
So did I read it right, this won't effect current members, even if they don't have all profile fields set as per the task?

Thanks again for the help
Yeah but for other add-ons lol. And they are something like 1% of all customers.

It should still work with current members as long as everything was setup while in setup mode. And there are tables you can clear if you did have it enabled that will reset everyone to 0 and recheck when they visit the site again.

You can check in your member profile area to see if it shows up there too.
Yeah but for other add-ons lol. And they are something like 1% of all customers.

It should still work with current members as long as everything was setup while in setup mode. And there are tables you can clear if you did have it enabled that will reset everyone to 0 and recheck when they visit the site again.

You can check in your member profile area to see if it shows up there too.
it's working now, at least for my new account :)
Thanks again for the support, this is a cool mod!

..Last question
If they say.. add an avatar to complete x% then remove the avatar, does that % get removed from the progress bar?
Just want to bump this asking for something but first I want to say thank you. I've had a half dozen of the older members notice the alerts and post intro threads and update their profiles, it's working!

Okay my question is this. One of the members said they were able to block it with adblock, can we get around that at all by not making it an option to be blocked?
I'm not sure how adblock picks what elements of a site that can be blocked, but just wanted to make you aware that it can be blocked.

Great addon, well worth the purchase for me.
Oh I never noticed the last reply.

Once someone completes a step it is completed forever, adding logic for undoing them would be buggy for certain types of tasks and add unneeded overhead to every page load.

I don't know how ad blockers function but I assume they look for certain types of markup, certain phrases etc. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that could be mistaken as an ad. I'll add it to the to-do to see if I can work something out some time in the future.
Future Feature Request:Is it possible to add a task in which someone must reply to a particular thread? I have a poll thread and would like new members to answer that poll. I didn't see how this was possible.

Sorry if this has been asked. Sometimes it is easy to miss reading through long threads.

PS. Thanks for the add-on. It's been fun to setup.
Future Feature Request:Is it possible to add a task in which someone must reply to a particular thread? I have a poll thread and would like new members to answer that poll. I didn't see how this was possible.

Sorry if this has been asked. Sometimes it is easy to miss reading through long threads.

PS. Thanks for the add-on. It's been fun to setup.
I did post a new thread and have planned for reply to a thread however it gets a bit complicated. I hope to get it in at some point.

Was there any issues with anything whenthis happened?
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I mean do you have any reports of this making stuff not work? I think it might be one of those things that will spam your server log but not actually affect anything.
I mean do you have any reports of this making stuff not work? I think it might be one of those things that will spam your server log but not actually affect anything.

No, no reports of anything broken or being unable to upload avatars etc. I agree, probably a PHP warning hitting the XF error log, so more an FYI so you can correct for next release.
Great add-on. I only have one issue with it. Members of my site must fill out a Simple Forms application to become a member. The members already on the site have done so. Therefore, there is no real way for them to re-complete what is needed for new members to complete.

Is there any possibility of coming up with a way for the Admins to mark a member as completed, or certain tasks as completed.

It's a great add-on, that will help guide new members. However, it's causing some issues with current members, who have completed everything.

Yep, you're right. I guess it's the way I have my site set up. Once a member is approved, I move their introduction and application to another thread. When that happens, it seems like the add-on picks up that the person doesn't have a post in that particular thread.

Still a great add-on. I just need to figure a way to make my process work with your add-on.
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