Profile Completion Steps [Paid] [Deleted]

There are bugs but they are fairly minor, things like the percent not updating on certain situations. The main reason this was released in beta is because there are features that I am yet to add which I consider part of 1.0. These features are registration steps a user sees after registering, you will be able to select tasks to be on there and it will all be done with Ajax. Basically a streamlined system for a user to initially setup their account.

Any ETA on the above?

Just implemented it on my site, and it's caused a HUGE RUKUS with the members. They feel being unable to close the progress notification at the top - at least for this session only - is bullying and borderline abusive. If they are being pushed to complete profiles steps, without an option to ignore or close.
I had thought about adding stuff to skip steps or dismiss stuff. However I have too much other stuff to do now so can't put any time into it. Things will get back to full swing after the gallery is done.
Hey Robbo,

I purchased this an hour or so ago. It looks really good.

I've set up 11 tasks and adjusted all percentages appropriately. I cannot see the steps in my own account despite me not completing some of the steps. It's not showing on registered members either (despite setup not being selected).

Is there a step I'm missing? I thought that it would show I need to modify some templates?

Additionally, do you know how I set up a trophy once a member has reached 100%. There is no option to do this in the trophy area.
You need to take it out of setup mode in options. Otherwise while setting it up things can break easily. Future versions will make this much clearer.

For trophies you need to go to make an actual trophy wherever it is in XenForo (if you don't find it I'll have a proper look and give proper instructions). Then there should be user criteria for the percent complete to choose from.
Thanks for getting back to me Robbo.

I disabled the setup mode yesterday but the profile steps are not being shown on any page. I can set up a temporary admin account for you if you need to check this closer however I can't see anything that I have done wrong.

Sorry but can you give a full explanation with regards to trophies. I've searched the whole trophy criteria area and I can't see any reference to to profile completion steps or a percent or whatever. Below is a copy of of the text from the add a trophy page i.e.

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Some questions :)
  • Is there a way to only show the completion notice on the profile page? - i.e. not on the home page, not on threads etc.
  • I think that encouraging members to post in the introduction forum is a great idea. However, it's not really relevant to established members. Is it possible to only add the introduction post task for members which have only been a member on the forum for 14 days or less and have less than a set number of posts - it seems silly to ask members who have been there for months to introduce themselves. Additionally, can someone confirm whether the add on checks whether a member has already started a thread in the designated forum. It isn't clear just now whether members who have already introduced themselves are getting asked to do so.
  • There is an option to 'Show Progress on Visitor Sidebar'. I can't see this anywhere. Is this affected by the widget framework plugin?
I can't check this (or even read everything) right now. Give me a bump on this tomorrow and I'll answer everything properly.
i'm having the same problems as @System0. Not sure if it's a clash with other add-ons or the theme (Uniform from Xenfocus), but it doesn't seem to appear, even when taken out of Setup and it's not showing up in Trophies either.
Bump me again a bit later. Something has come up. Also give me these details...

PHP version, other installed add-ons, if the issue occurs on the default style, and if there are any errors in the error log.
Sorry Robbo. I really don't have the time or patience to continually bump this thread every day. Can you please process a full refund for me. I will purchase the add on again once these issues have been addressed.

No hard feelings. I understand you are busy, however I am very busy also. It is time consuming to come here every day and keep asking for support for a add on I paid for. I'll certainly purchase this again once the issues have been resolved. :)
It has pushed it down the list slightly.

Pushed down to waiting on information I asked for above from one of the people with issues.
i'm having the same problems as @System0. Not sure if it's a clash with other add-ons or the theme (Uniform from Xenfocus), but it doesn't seem to appear, even when taken out of Setup and it's not showing up in Trophies either.

I've got this up and running now. Not sure why it didn't show up, but I turned off all add-ons and it started appearing. I then turned all the other add-on back on, one by one and it's still appearing, so that's good.

  • I'm not seeing a progress bar though. It shows the tasks, but no progress bar (even when all add-ons where turned off). Am I supposed to put a hook in my side bar? I did try viewing my forum with the default theme and it still didn't show up, so it's not a theme issue.
  • I also can't find 'Profile Completion Steps' in Trophies

Another thought: at the moment a member has to start a new thread for introductions. On my forum I just just one thread for all intros, but there's no option in the task list to 'reply to a thread'.
This plugin has been nothing but trouble for me.. In all fairness im sure the plugin itself is good enough to be a beta but it just never liked my forum. Ive never been able to get any of the progress indicators to show up in the forum index sidebar or the members profile page for that matter and the % are stuck at zero in the criteria and notice box, no matter how many tasks a member completes. Its been disabled for months.. I actually tried to delete it once and my SQL database totally crashed so had me a bit freaked at the thought of trying to uninstall it again. Since then its just sits there disabled in the acp, i really cant do anything with it.

I do like the idea though to bad it just didnt want to play well with my setup.
The % only increases when it was the FIRST item that was done. This was a programming limitation with how things were first made. How many times do I have to say that?

And the sidebars not showing up I have asked over and over for information and no one will give me a thing! I can't debug if I can't reproduce when it all works fine for me and the client who I made this for.

I will do a full overview and rewrite some things to change how tasks add to the progress bars and to TRY find this issue with the sidebar with no information at all this week. Expect a release by the end of the week.
The % only increases when it was the FIRST item that was done. This was a programming limitation with how things were first made. How many times do I have to say that?

And the sidebars not showing up I have asked over and over for information and no one will give me a thing! I can't debug if I can't reproduce when it all works fine for me and the client who I made this for.

I will do a full overview and rewrite some things to change how tasks add to the progress bars and to TRY find this issue with the sidebar with no information at all this week. Expect a release by the end of the week.
Ill gladly give you admin login credentials in a PM if your interested? Ill warn you though i have more plugins then XF has listed resources. ;)
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