XF 1.5 Permissions issue an odd one


we don't allow guests to view images normally so when they click on a thumbnail they are greeted with "you do not have permissions"

However I recently moved the site to a new hyper v and everything went well except guests now get an internal server error has occurred when they click thumbnails.

No idea what's wrong anyone know?

I've had to allow access for now to get around it
it's not giving a 500 error, i have custom error docs set up see attached.

if it was a 500 error it would show an entirely different page.


  • error.webp
    6 KB · Views: 7
If that's the error you're seeing, that certainly looks like an internal server error message (which is what the 500 code means). There should be further details in your logs to make it clearer what's going on.

Is this IIS? You may need to make specific configurations to pass through our error messages. There's a line included in the Friendly URL web.config that does that: https://xenforo.com/help/friendly-urls/
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