XF 1.0 Pages

Pages allow you to manage simple content in the node tree. Find out more here:


The node list display could do with some improvements. We have some ideas about that.

The exact look of the auto-generated navigation is a work-in-progress as well. :)
yeah thanx... big wake up.

I am ok now, just have to stay on my meds... lost over 20lbs excess water weight.. whew! since last wed.. and my BP is in normal range for first time in many, many yrs.
yeah thanx... big wake up.

I am ok now, just have to stay on my meds... lost over 20lbs excess water weight.. whew! since last wed.. and my BP is in normal range for first time in many, many yrs.
Well I hope the best for you...hope the ticker keeps tickin like a timex!
I'm not sure I understand, each Page is individually configured using the node settings.

lets say you have 20 pages... you elect to display them all in the node list. they are all siblings and/or child of each other and will be listed accordingly.

what if you wanted a groupA and a groupB where you could categorize them?
I thought he's searching for an way to link pages in the navbar, that's why i linked to my add-on.
sorry for OT:D
lets say you have 20 pages... you elect to display them all in the node list. they are all siblings and/or child of each other and will be listed accordingly.

what if you wanted a groupA and a groupB where you could categorize them?
You could create 2 categories and add the pages as there their (is it there or their?:D ) childs
I see that now .. sheesh. still struggling here with the thought processes.
my BP was low 200s for longest time .. I now need to learn to function at normal BP.. LOL
Pages . . . this is great! Too bad php isn't able to be used, but pages are cool nonetheless.

Place your PHP file on your server. place following code in html section of page node. I am running PHP scripts just fine here... YeeeHA!


  <iframe src="test.php" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no" >
    <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

UPDATE - XenForo will not let ALL php scripts run this way... several security checks have stopped scripts from running. not really sure what is happening, but having loads of fun right now
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