XF 1.5 not happy with upgrade

3d Dental

Active member
Why do we have to revert changes and then go back and do them again!

It was years since I made changes....now reverting templates and site looks stupid now.

Why force us to do this extra work?

Makes upgrading really not fun and big waste of time for me!

Now I need help and willing to pay for it.
Xenforo upgrade instructions are not good.

Fix that.


Then, next time I may have better instructions to follow that would not waste my time and create a mess of my Style.

Does that make sense to you? It does to me!
Hi there.

The XenForo upgrade instructions are for upgrading a default install in most cases. Running customized styles can not be accounted for on XenForo developers end. Aside from that when you’re upgrading from a fairly old version you should insure you have backups, files, database, and even style backups (exporting the styles) that way things can resolved without loosing precious time and customizations.

So to the issue with your style. Yes reverting that template is likely the main issue here though I think it can be fixed and possibly without losing your custom style work.

If you can create a ticket on PixelExit.com we can take a look to see what we can do for you. While we don’t directly supportt such an old version (1.2) we may be able to get you back up and running with the current version.
Steve, how many default install are out there running?

I would think that is the minority and that most EVERYONE makes changes, and especially for the Style at a minimum.

What you just said is NOT written in the instructions!

If you feel it should be there then go ahead and add it!!


No mention in the instructions regarding upgrade NOT working when you added a Style.

Go ahead and add that or something for people like me that read the instructions and follow them.

My database recently exceeded the capacity of my server and my provider turned off my backup!
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Auto-Off for my backup when database exceed the storage limits, and my provider did not notify me I was beyond my limit.

My site ran slow and that is One reason I made the upgrade. Why not since I was messing around with my site this week.
I still say the instructions suck.

Very limited info....forces me to search this forum to solve issues and that is not fun.

Every search word results in too much garbage for me to read that has no relevance to what I am doing.

The "Official Instructions" should be more complete.

I tried to follow them and ended up with a mess.

See how that happened?
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Dude, please chill out and read the comments of Chris! Let him look at the problem and don't try to fix it your self.

Just relax and take a breath...

Chilling out and reading Chris words would not help me now.

Nothing we can do now man.

The info is gone.

I lost my favorite Style.

Too late.

Followed instructions exactly as written, and now I am here...

(Stupid suggestions in the Instructions! Pffft)

Had you not backup your data and db before upgrade, this is first instruction to protect, if something goes wrong we can revert.

If you had auto backup system installed, then you may revert to last back up state.

Making upgrade without backup is not good.

If you are ready to spend, means you might have spent money on auto backup server setup.

Its a very frustrating movement when we come to know, we lost and dident took backup or had backup of data before it.

I too really feeling very bad for the losses you had through update.

I am sure xF is not going to do a forum UI custom coding for styling.

B3tter contact the person who did that before
Thank you Capt. Obvious.

There should be a backup because I had it setup that way for years.

There was daily backup, everyday, for years now! Always. I depend on that backup!

Only recently my autobackup stopped due to lack of space.

I already explained that. Nobody did it on purpose.

The backup was deleted by my crappy service provider's software without telling me.

So, that was an unpleasant surprise for me to learn.

I bought more storage space and backup now turned On again...
But too late.

I agree. That step should be written in the instructions!
It's not actually.
Its good your data is safe and you lost only customisation, which you can get done from coder. If its other than theme then you might be spending extra money on that.

Also take a look at xF2. It is currently running on this forum and best for mobile viewing too.

You may try this, its best creqtion ever (keep in mind its in beta stage)
The instructions are fine. Your issue is you followed them to upgrade a custom style. Every custom styling is different as many of the styling companies have a custom framework. You can't expect to have XF to write info for all of them, that is why they keep it simple clearly stating they don't support 3rd party products. It sucks the host didn't have a backup. But instead of blaming everyone else, you need to ask yourself why you also didn't make a back up yourself. It's basic knowledge and written everywhere on the internet to also maintain your own backups in case your hosts backup fails to restore.
Take it easy man... Everybody here in community will try help you ... had similar problem (no backup) but @Chris D and some others help me. You should be happy to have on hands so helpful community!
I re-read the instructions.

I see my Two folders, "data", and "internal_data" did not have permissions set to 777

Don't know why that was not preserved?

I re-uploaded the entire upgrade....then changed permissions of these Two folders to 777

Now I cannot complete the upgrade.

* Note that you generally do not need to set permissions like when doing a new installation; the existing permissions will be preserved.

So....I go to instructions for installing a new installation to see what this means.....and I find this below.

3. Setting Permissions
Once the files are finished uploading, you must set permissions (or CHMOD) several places. This is necessary to ensure that XenForo can write to those parts of your server. You can usually do this with your FTP client.

  1. In the set of files and directories you just uploaded, you will see 2 folders: data and internal_data.
  2. These two directories must be set to world writeable (CHMOD 0777) or give the IUSR_ Full Control in Windows.
Keep your FTP client open; you may still need it for the next step.
I try the upgrade One more time and this time I change the folders permissions to 777

Now, I try to complete the upgrade and this............

Server Error
Mysqli prepare error: INSERT command denied to user 'xenoforo1'@'' for table 'xf_session_admin'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/Session.php at line 856
  6. XenForo_Session->saveSessionToSource() in XenForo/Session.php at line 574
  7. XenForo_Session->save() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 414
  8. XenForo_Controller->updateSession() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 358
  9. XenForo_Controller->postDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 358
  10. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  11. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /data/56/1/75/108/1238271/user/1320221/htdocs/admin.php at line 13
If you've already performed the upgrade, you can't perform the upgrade again by just re-uploading the same files and then running it. In fact I don't think re-uploading the files would do anything in particular because the uploaded files do not change after running the upgrade - other things get built based on those, and they don't need to get re-built unless you change versions.

Regarding your style:

I use PixelExit for 2 sites and their support is great. Your issue seems to be directly related to one of their styles.

XenBase is a parent style and you should never be making modifications to the parent style. What you should have (originally) done is upload the parent (XenBase, Core, etc) and then created a child style, and made your modifications to that child

Then, when you update XenBase, the changes in the Child are unaffected.

PixelExit typically tries to update XenBase in concert with Xenforo updates. So when 1.5.14 came out, they follow it with XenBase 1.5.14 to match and you should try to keep these versions matched.

Sometimes, depending on your customization of your chiild (or if you have a customized style) then something will break, like a graphic or text display parameter. I have found that @Russ and @Steve F are very helpful and responsive to fix these types of things, whether that be doing it for you or pointing to the where you can fix it, or both.

Regarding Backups:

I personally do not trust backups provided by your host. #1 it's under their total control and #2 you have to usually pay for a restore (and I've never had to do one).

There is a free and awesome addon for this: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/solidmean-forumbackup.3605/

Set up a backup folder via cpanel and configure the cron and it runs automatically every day, keeping as many backups as you need (I think the default is 7 = 1 week). Restoring from those backups is a bit trickier as you need root access to transfer the backed up DB to mySQL but it's not difficult, took me 10 seconds to google it and 5 minutes to make it happen, your host can also do this probably easier than you can.

But that is not even needed to perform a manual backup. Just go into cpanel > phpmyadmin & select your database > operations > copy database and make a copy. Go back into cpanel > mysql databases and it should show up.

Then in cpanel > file manager go to public_html, create a "backup" or "test" directory, and copy everything in public_html to that directory.

Now you have a manual backup of your DB and Core. Connect the two together by configuring your config.php file in the test dir (and disable email so people don't get alerts from the test site) and set up the user/db permissions in cpanel and now you can try out your upgrades on the backup before you do them on your live site so that you don't break anything.

Once you have it all figured out, make another backup of your DB and Files in case something goes awry, and do your upgrades.

Once your live site is up and going good, you can delete the backups to free up the space.
I try the upgrade One more time and this time I change the folders permissions to 777

Now, I try to complete the upgrade and this............

Server Error
Mysqli prepare error: INSERT command denied to user 'xenoforo1'@'' for table 'xf_session_admin'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/Session.php at line 856
  6. XenForo_Session->saveSessionToSource() in XenForo/Session.php at line 574
  7. XenForo_Session->save() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 414
  8. XenForo_Controller->updateSession() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 358
  9. XenForo_Controller->postDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 358
  10. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  11. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /data/56/1/75/108/1238271/user/1320221/htdocs/admin.php at line 13

Site broken and this is where I am at now....

Can't do anything.

If you've already performed the upgrade, you can't perform the upgrade again by just re-uploading the same files and then running it. In fact I don't think re-uploading the files would do anything in particular because the uploaded files do not change after running the upgrade - other things get built based on those, and they don't need to get re-built unless you change versions.

I did it again because the permissions of folders were not 777.

I figured that due to permissions that the upgrade would not have worked as it should.

Otherwise, why mention the 777 permission thing in the first place?

Yes, something happened for sure and now I cannot do squat
The service I wish for does not exist.

My time is 10x more valuable doing something else rather than fumbling around on the massive forum looking for answers.
Then may I suggest hiring a service/individual to perform these duties for you.
It is readily apparent that you are easily frustrated and some of the technical requirements exceed your current knowledge level.

Not trying to be a smart*** here, just saying that sometimes it's better to simply be the forum owner instead of the admin.
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