Nodes As Tabs

Nodes As Tabs 1.5.1

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Is there a way to make a link forum link directly to the link URL specified in the node, without resorting to hardcoded template edits? I'm using Nodes as Tabs to link to a wiki, but it seems a bit silly to have the link for the wiki point at "/link-forums/3/" instead of just "/wiki/".

There is no such option. Link forums act as redirects so they always go through the link-forums route. It's only link aesthetics. It's not a real problem.
The problem is not link aesthetics. The problem is not being able to avoid template edits. What you're telling me is "edit your navigation template".
The problem is not link aesthetics. The problem is not being able to avoid template edits. What you're telling me is "edit your navigation template".

You don't need to edit the templates. The link forum can be made to redirect to any URL.
It's because jack's code

$nodeId = 0;
if (!empty($viewParams['page']['node_id']))
$nodeId = $viewParams['page']['node_id'];
if (!empty($viewParams['forum']['node_id']))
$nodeId = $viewParams['forum']['node_id'];
if (!empty($viewParams['category']['node_id']))
$nodeId = $viewParams['category']['node_id'];
and the code in the article
        /* Create the template to show the threads, with all the params requireds */
        $threadList = new XenForo_Template_Public('thread_list', $controllerResponse->params);
        /* Set the param 'forum' with the rendered template so we can use in our page */
        $response->params['forum'] = $threadList;

use the same variable ( forum)

you could change

$response->params['forum'] = $threadList;


$response->params['forums2'] = $threadList;

and in template

<xen:require css="discussion_list.css" />
<div class="discussionList">
{xen:raw $forums2}
Jake Bunce updated Nodes As Tabs with a new update entry:

1.1.3 Changes

This version adds some new features for more advanced tab management. Current tab configurations are preserved when you upgrade. Everything is the same as before. These new features just add some new possibilities for people wanting to reorganize their navbar.

1) Added option for link-forums to support tab selection through relative URI matching. That means you can use a link-forum to represent any non-node page within your forum and then put it in the navbar using the tab options from...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Great, Jake.

To upgrade, do I just overwrite all existing files? Or do I just import the XML? Or Both? (n)

lms is correct. You need to both upload the new files and import the XML. If you click the name of the addon on the front page of your Admin CP then it will give you a popup to upload the XML to upgrade the addon.

Screen shot 2012-07-04 at 3.01.53 AM.webp
FYI, an attempt to overwrite the old directory crashed my I could not even get in to upgrade it!

But I erased the old directory and THEN uploaded the new with success - at least it seems so!
FYI, an attempt to overwrite the old directory crashed my I could not even get in to upgrade it!

But I erased the old directory and THEN uploaded the new with success - at least it seems so!

Was there an error message? Something in the log perhaps?

Admin CP -> Tools -> Server Error Log
Well, it started throwing off massive errors while in progress - the forum threw some text error screen.
BUT, unfortunately, I went into crisis mode and didn't save any of them.

I suspect that such errors are because the code in question is being used at the same time it is being replaced? In other words, some files may be attempted while they are not complete!

Has anyone else had such problems updating any add-ons while forums were live?
Well, it started throwing off massive errors while in progress - the forum threw some text error screen.
BUT, unfortunately, I went into crisis mode and didn't save any of them.

I suspect that such errors are because the code in question is being used at the same time it is being replaced? In other words, some files may be attempted while they are not complete!

Has anyone else had such problems updating any add-ons while forums were live?

Well there is a window for expected errors during the file upload (which is a very short time). The same applies to upgrading XF itself. Any errors will disappear once the upgrade is finished... once you have finished uploading the files and importing the XML.
The server log errors didn't bother me, but what happened was I uploaded the directory then attempted to get into the ACP - but the site was down - the httpd request had one of those blank white error screens with strange php errors on I could not even get in to do the XML file!

If no one else reports it, then it must be a nano-second anomaly...but it's interesting that removing the old directly and then uploading the new one worked out. That hint may help some, although with some add-ons it may remove some settings?? In the case of Nodes, it did not. Things were perfect once I installed the new copy.
The server log errors didn't bother me, but what happened was I uploaded the directory then attempted to get into the ACP - but the site was down - the httpd request had one of those blank white error screens with strange php errors on I could not even get in to do the XML file!

If no one else reports it, then it must be a nano-second anomaly...but it's interesting that removing the old directly and then uploading the new one worked out. That hint may help some, although with some add-ons it may remove some settings?? In the case of Nodes, it did not. Things were perfect once I installed the new copy.

Any errors would be on the front end. It shouldn't affect the Admin CP. Login directly to admin.php
Hi Jake

Would it be possible to create a TAB with this which does not link anywhere and simply opens a popup drop down menu with child links. I created a new page node and am using a custom Links template for my child links and it works great. However there really is no need for the main tab (which is a page node right now) to link aywhere. All I want to do is to open the popup menu showing the child links when the tab is clicked. Any suggestions?
Hi Jake

Would it be possible to create a TAB with this which does not link anywhere and simply opens a popup drop down menu with child links. I created a new page node and am using a custom Links template for my child links and it works great. However there really is no need for the main tab (which is a page node right now) to link aywhere. All I want to do is to open the popup menu showing the child links when the tab is clicked. Any suggestions?

Not without modifying the code.

You could add some javascript to override the link:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> page_container_js_body

This will turn the link into a hash:

Rich (BB code):
window.onload = function()
	$('.nodetab31 a.navLink').attr('href','#');

Or this will disable the link completely:

Rich (BB code):
window.onload = function()
	$('.nodetab31 a.navLink').attr('href','javascript:void(0)');

Both solutions rely on javascript.
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