Multi Prefix

Multi Prefix [Paid] 1.8.16

No permission to buy ($20.00)
Using it for the first time.

XenForo_Exception: A discussion insert was attempted without the required first message. - library/XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion.php:299
Generated By: DRE, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1446): XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion->_preSave()
#1 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1385): XenForo_DataWriter->preSave()
#2 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(46): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
#3 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenMods_MultiPrefix_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionSave()
#4 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#5 /home/blah/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(52) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(5) {
["prefix_id"] => array(2) {
[0] => string(3) "111"
[1] => string(2) "43"
["title"] => string(22) "Batman The Dark Knight"
["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
["_set"] => array(2) {
["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
["sticky"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"

ErrorException: Undefined variable: threadId - library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/ControllerPublic/Thread.php:44
Generated By: DRE, 1 minute ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(44): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/blah/publi...', 44, Array)
#1 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenMods_MultiPrefix_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionSave()
#2 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#3 /home/blah/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(52) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(5) {
["prefix_id"] => array(2) {
[0] => string(3) "111"
[1] => string(2) "43"
["title"] => string(22) "Batman The Dark Knight"
["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
["_set"] => array(2) {
["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
["sticky"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
Tried it on my default skin with no edits too just in case. Disabled for now.
I've uploaded a new zip on, don't have to redo the xml installation, just change the php files in the controllerpublic folder.
This is just not working for me. It must be interfering with a template modificaiton. I'll check later after work.
It works fine for me without any errors, thanks :)
Can you please add the therm "X prefixes" (when choosing more than one prefix) to be a phrase so it would be easy to edit it in non-English boards?

I tested the latest on a test site. Still have one problem that doesnt function ok.
If i make a new thread, and i choose two prefixes, make the thread and place him, only one prefix is showing in the node list but also just one in the thread. . The other one isnt saved. I getting no errors.
Tried this on a default style and on a custom style.

How can i choose two prefixes at the same time? I tried several ways, holding the cmd, shift etc. but it only opens a new tab from FF with the text javascript. Is the only way to do this open prefixes two times and selecting each time one prefix?
is there way to fix this ?

or its how prefix design ?
i want to click on the prefix to show the thread list of that prefix
is that possible ?

as u see in the picture

when i put the mouse on any prefix its underline the whole title and the link for the thread it self

waiting u

BTW thanks for the updating ^_^
I check the template modifications and everything's green. Was going to uninstall and reinstall but I can't uninstall it.

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALERT TABLE `xf_thread` CHANGE `prefix_id` `prefix_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' at line 1 - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77
Generated By: DRE, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/blah/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(115): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare('ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#1 /home/blah/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php(381): Zend_Db_Statement->__construct(Object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli), 'ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#2 /home/blah/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(478): Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare('ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#3 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/Install.php(20): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#4 [internal function]: XenMods_MultiPrefix_Install::UnInstall(Array)
#5 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/AddOn.php(200): call_user_func(Array, Array)
#6 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1779): XenForo_DataWriter_AddOn->_postDelete()
#7 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php(122): XenForo_DataWriter->delete()
#8 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionDelete()
#9 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 /home/blah/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#11 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(53) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["add-ons/XMMultiPrefix/delete"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(2) {
["_xfConfirm"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
I check the template modifications and everything's green. Was going to uninstall and reinstall but I can't uninstall it.

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALERT TABLE `xf_thread` CHANGE `prefix_id` `prefix_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' at line 1 - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77
Generated By: DRE, A moment ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/blah/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(115): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare('ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#1 /home/blah/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php(381): Zend_Db_Statement->__construct(Object(Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli), 'ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#2 /home/blah/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(478): Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare('ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#3 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/Install.php(20): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('ALERT TABLE `xf...')
#4 [internal function]: XenMods_MultiPrefix_Install::UnInstall(Array)
#5 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/AddOn.php(200): call_user_func(Array, Array)
#6 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1779): XenForo_DataWriter_AddOn->_postDelete()
#7 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php(122): XenForo_DataWriter->delete()
#8 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionDelete()
#9 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 /home/blah/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#11 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(53) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["add-ons/XMMultiPrefix/delete"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(2) {
["_xfConfirm"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"

go to


self::_getDb()->query("ALERT TABLE `xf_thread` CHANGE `prefix_id` `prefix_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");

replace it with

 self::_getDb()->query("ALTER TABLE `xf_thread` CHANGE `prefix_id` `prefix_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");

strange @Daniel Hood u didnt update this =_=
go to


self::_getDb()->query("ALERT TABLE `xf_thread` CHANGE `prefix_id` `prefix_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");

replace it with

self::_getDb()->query("ALTER TABLE `xf_thread` CHANGE `prefix_id` `prefix_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';");

strange @Daniel Hood u didnt update this =_=
Totally forgot about that. Thanks.

I tested the latest on a test site. Still have one problem that doesnt function ok.
If i make a new thread, and i choose two prefixes, make the thread and place him, only one prefix is showing in the node list but also just one in the thread. . The other one isnt saved. I getting no errors.
Tried this on a default style and on a custom style.

How can i choose two prefixes at the same time? I tried several ways, holding the cmd, shift etc. but it only opens a new tab from FF with the text javascript. Is the only way to do this open prefixes two times and selecting each time one prefix?

I logged into your forum and tried making a thread. I see that some of your threads already have multiple prefixes so I assume you figured it out?
Last edited:
is there way to fix this ?

or its how prefix design ?
i want to click on the prefix to show the thread list of that prefix
is that possible ?

as u see in the picture
when i put the mouse on any prefix its underline the whole title and the link for the thread it self

waiting u

BTW thanks for the updating ^_^

That's how XenForo thread prefixes are, I didn't adjust that.
Totally forgot about that. Thanks.

I logged into your forum and tried making a thread. I see that some of your threads already have multiple prefixes so I assume you figured it out?
If you have the time, can you login to mine later and see why this won't work for my site?
Error Info

ErrorException: Undefined variable: threadId - library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/ControllerPublic/Thread.php:44
Generated By: Howard, Thursday at 8:43 PM

Stack Trace

#0 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(44): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/adminx/pu...', 44, Array)
#1 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenMods_MultiPrefix_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionSave()
#2 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#3 /home/adminx/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(86) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(5) {
    ["prefix_id"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(1) "0"
    ["title"] => string(50) "Well This Was Interesting... until It Was Deleted."
    ["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_set"] => array(2) {
      ["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
      ["sticky"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
Error Info

XenForo_Exception: A discussion insert was attempted without the required first message. - library/XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion.php:299
Generated By: Howard, Thursday at 8:43 PM

Stack Trace

#0 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1446): XenForo_DataWriter_Discussion->_preSave()
#1 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1385): XenForo_DataWriter->preSave()
#2 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenMods/MultiPrefix/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(46): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
#3 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenMods_MultiPrefix_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionSave()
#4 /home/adminx/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#5 /home/adminx/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(86) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(5) {
    ["prefix_id"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(1) "0"
    ["title"] => string(50) "Well This Was Interesting... until It Was Deleted."
    ["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_set"] => array(2) {
      ["discussion_open"] => string(1) "1"
      ["sticky"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
@The Sandman Did you download the zip from xenmods yesterday?

Apparently not. I'm doing so now.

With most paid add-ons I have, I get alerts and/or emails when the resource is updated. That makes my life easier. I don't seem to get either with yours, even though I'm watching this resource. And with most add-ons, there is a separate file designation for the various versions of each resource. That also makes my life easier. On XenMods, each new version of the add-on has the same exact filename, making it harder to know if a version is newer than the one I already have and also meaning I have to overwrite the download each time or make the effort to rename it.

Don't you want me to have an easy life? :p
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