Modifying the hover state of controls


Well-known member
How do we alter the hover state of message controls (e.g. "Like", "Edit"), even in times when the mouse is not over them?
I'm aware of that Style Properties page; however unless I'm mistaken, it modifies the control only when mouse is hovering over it. In other words, this is the control's hover state. I'm asking how I would go about modifying the hover state of other elements, which would alter the control's appearance.
I don't understand what you're asking.

What I posted above is for general styling of the message controls.
There are separate pages for the focus, hover and active states, directly below.
The username is not part of the message controls.

I'm not sure what elements it is you're trying to change - your original post stated "How do we alter the hover state of message controls (e.g. "Like", "Edit")" but now you want the user name?

Which elements exactly are you trying to change?
What do you want them to do?
What do you mean by "alter the visibility"?

My first post is the correct area to modify those elements when they are not hovered over.
Sorry for the confusion :)

I want the controls to be invisible or barely visible when in their normal state, and fully visible when the user hovers over any area of the post.
Interesting, now that I think about it, the RSS-feed buttons in the main forum_list behave exactly the same way, "on" only when the mouse hovers over that section of the forum.

There's got to be a simple way to replicate that here...
Add this to your EXTRA.css template for your style. Change the opacity to what ever you want.

.message .messageMeta .privateControls .item, .message .messageMeta .publicControls .item
    opacity: 0.1;
.message:hover .messageMeta .privateControls .item, .message:hover .messageMeta .publicControls .item
    opacity: 1;
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