Mobile style discussion

I've got a custom style installed that can grind my phone a tad (HTC Desire) but I've renamed the default Xenforo style to Mobile and to be honest its more than light and speedy. I'm sure you could get more improvements but for me default is just grand for mobile atm.
It is important, actually. But with that said, designing a mobile skin/app, a good one, isn't something you can just throw together. As much thought can go into making a mobile skin (especially from scratch) as can go into designing an entire website. Until you develop one, you just have no idea how time consuming it can get.

But, yes, we are at the point where you are missing out on a huge chunk of the internet that visits the web on their mobile devices. That's not people who use their phones instead of their PCs. That people who are surfing the web for quick info while out of the house. People browsing their favorite websites while in waiting rooms, trains or buses, or just lying in bed trying to fall asleep. And if you're web isn't mobile enabled, it makes it a lot harder to navigate your site. Some things might not even work the way their supposed to. See, you aren't missing out on specific people who only browse the web. You're missing out on opportunities for people to access your site properly, or at all.

Maybe as "old timers" we're inclined to believe that because we don't have a need for it, it's probably not that important. But think about how Facebook integration was regarded just a few years ago. Even internet times change.
I'm really hoping that Kier and Mike include a mobile style for the release of XF 1.1, and if not, then very soon.

Coming from an ex VB customer point of view, the only thing that VB had going for them was indeed a decent mobile app. The need to switch over to XF at the time was so great that I forfeited the use of my VB mobile app. I agonized over this decision, but in the end I have no regrets now that I'm an XF customer. I love XF software and this community, but i have to say I still long for a good mobile skin or app.

I really hope all the naysayers start realizing how critical having a good mobile solution is for your community because as Digital Jedi pointed out, we're missing out on a lot of opportunities for people to access our sites on their mobile devices. Everytime I take public transit i see countless people tinkering with their phones, checking their facebook, twitter, and surfing the web. Most people have data plans these days for their phones and if not wifi is certainly available everywhere at most local coffee shops and eateries.

I tested out tapatalk and had high hopes but not all the functionality is there. We really need a mobile solution and quickly, and I would not mind paying extra for these. And to be honest, i'm wondering how many more new customers XF would have if it were to provide a good mobile solution. Just my thoughts.
Don't hold your breath.
Too late...
Don't hold your breath.
really?? wow.. i completely agree with s2k, so i'm surprised to hear that native mobile-device support isn't a priority o_O

i know there are 3rd party add-ons like tapatalk and such, but i'd much rather have native support.. one of the most oft-asked questions by the users of my current forum is "is there a way to make it more mobile-phone-friendly?"!
You know what's funny? Everything's critical. So if everything is critical, how can it be truly critical? Give KMA a break dude, their plate is full of "critical" needs. They get to it when they get to it.

If you can't wait, then I suggest you make one yourself. If you can't make one yourself, then I suggest hire someone. If you can't hire someone..., then oh well, I guess you have to wait anyway.
You know what's funny? Everything's critical. So if everything is critical, how can it be truly critical? Give KMA a break dude, their plate is full of "critical" needs. They get to it when they get to it.

If you can't wait, then I suggest you make one yourself. If you can't make one yourself, then I suggest hire someone. If you can't hire someone..., then oh well, I guess you have to wait anyway.
Commenting on it's importance, doesn't imply impatience. Mostly the last few comments, including mine, were simply shining a light on the degree of it's importance to those who may not realize how things have changed in just the last year alone. That doesn't mean we were implying anyone should rush.
Commenting on it's importance, doesn't imply impatience. Mostly the last few comments, including mine, were simply shining a light on the degree of it's importance to those who may not realize how things have changed in just the last year alone. That doesn't mean we were implying anyone should rush.

Wasn't talking to you. There are comments in this thread that imply KMA doesn't care about mobile. Please read first few posts. My comment was directed to them.
I didn't mean any disrespect to Mike and Kier, and completely respect that they have a full plate.
I simply mentioned it because it is critical to me and many others, and if they see more people wanting/requesting certain features that might help them decide which ones to focus on. They ultimately can decide when to work on the mobile solution, and i'm totally cool with that.

I would think that saying nothing at all would be more of a disservice to them and the XF community. Sorry if you were offended.
I didn't mean any disrespect to Mike and Kier, and completely respect that they have a full plate.
I simply mentioned it because it is critical to me and many others, and if they see more people wanting/requesting certain features that might help them decide which ones to focus on. They ultimately can decide when to work on the mobile solution, and i'm totally cool with that.

I would think that saying nothing at all would be more of a disservice to them and the XF community. Sorry if you were offended.
I've posted it before, but most people do not realize the amount of research and time that would have to go into a full fledged mobile style.

You would want to retain the majority of features, and you'd want to make it as usable as XenForo is on a desktop (IPB mobile style is a bad example of working the same as on a desktop).

If it were going to be done, it would come with 1.2, or 1.3 or a version that won't have as many major features included in it, so they can focus a lot of attention on the mobile solution.
yes it is assessable via Android browser and most functions are there, but it does not have the optimized for small display and on the go simplicity to encourage regular participation via mobile. A very simple Mobile with controls that are easy to use via touch screen without excessive enlargement , and pop ups for adding links or uploads don't like to be enlarged the needed fields are off screen and you can't drag the page around to center them while enlarged. Plus via Android you have no button to insert the image you upload. its not even there when you go back to the post in edit mode on a PC. but does appear for a second attachment when uploaded via PC. nobutton.gif
I already see that mobile interaction is extremely important as soon as facebook opened the gates to mobile picture uploads I saw the future would require full mobile interaction abilities and if we don't have it we our member base will lose the active mobile members and be left with the sit at home users losing out on a lot of exciting user content and interaction. Revenue generation should come after fulfilling the needs your site fills and makes it a desirable place for users to want to log into , creating the audience that has value to advertisers seeking exposure. Keeping your site clean and free of excessive and questionable distracting ads builds trust and loyalty and the content from mobile users will build full browser users desire to browse the site and see those quality ads, or buy premium memberships.
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