Microcart [Paid] [Deleted]

Micheal updated Microcart with a new update entry:

Microcart Version 3.1.3

Here is the latest release of the cart system with a few changes.

What has been added well here is whats been added/changed.

Added in the ******* Credits system to the cart checkout page
so your users can now buy items with the ******* Credits system.

Added new templates
Updated some templates
Added new phrases
Decimals after Klick on Checkout" fixed
Vietnamese languague not supported Fixed

Read the rest of this update entry...
Wow a $90 price tag!

Is there a demo which showcases how the add-on looks now with your recent changes? You said you were working on making it look better and more organized.
It'd be cool if people could have their own shops, as someone suggested about a year ago... did you ever implement this Michael? Thanks! :)
Wow a $90 price tag!

Is there a demo which showcases how the add-on looks now with your recent changes? You said you were working on making it look better and more organized.

this price rise is not a big rise you are getting the full source code where as before you paid $59.99 + $150 for source code thats a total of $209.99 for the source code,
now you only pay $89.99 thats over a 50% drop.
if you look out there for other cart systems that you have to pay for you would pay more than that and they would be encoded just like mine where,
not the script is not encoded and you get the script at a good price.

i made the move to make the script source open to everyone as some people could not get there host to install ioncube.
so this move to make the script source code and the small price rise is the right thing to do for everyone.

Would love to see a demo, too! :)

pm me with your username password and email address and i can sort you out a demo.

Is there a converter for Zencart??
no but this is something i could sort out.

It'd be cool if people could have their own shops, as someone suggested about a year ago... did you ever implement this Michael? Thanks! :)

users do sort of have there own shop .

Does this allow users to sell products themselves on my site and I take a percentage of the profit?

yes on both counts all you would need to do is turn on muli-vendor system and set the usergroup setting and it would do the rest for you when your users start selling there items.
I am fully willing to buy this add-on but I still need to see a working front end which is not plagued by the page design issues. I am ok to pay the price but the add-on should also look like a premium add-on.

Noting my most obvious observations in the screenshot below. I still request you to hire some skin designer like @Russ, @Audentio or @Arty to spruce up the frontend (apologies if I offended someone but I use their themes so I know their work).

Is that screenshot of the invoice, is it emailed to everyone when an order is placed? For example if you're using multi-vendor mode, who gets an order confirmation?

Also, this uses chained payments in multi-vendor mode to instantly split payment between store owner and the vendor, right?
I am fully willing to buy this add-on but I still need to see a working front end which is not plagued by the page design issues. I am ok to pay the price but the add-on should also look like a premium add-on.

Noting my most obvious observations in the screenshot below. I still request you to hire some skin designer like @Russ, @Audentio or @Arty to spruce up the frontend (apologies if I offended someone but I use their themes so I know their work).

View attachment 73866

the buttons are being changed to look more inline with a shopping cart system.
the view product page is being remade at the moment so should improve the look of this very soon.
the border is being removed
the category block is being reformatted
I'm fixing to install the free trial I think, but what sort of options are there with the shipping calculator, and what services does it use?
if you install the free trial it will show you how it works.trying to explain would not be an easy thing to do but it works by what you input,
it does not get the shipping costs from other sites, so if the costs change you would have to update the shipping costs yourself.
New version is now running on my site with these new changes.
Also brought products have been added to profile view.
new version will be released later tonight with these changes
Date 24/05/2014

  • Changed Slider blocks
  • Changed button options
  • New buttons added
  • Removed some options
  • Template changed microcart_view
  • New template microcart_profile_brought_tab
  • New template microcart_profile_brought_tab_content
  • Other template changes
New version is now running on my site with these new changes.
Also brought products have been added to profile view.
new version will be released later tonight with these changes
Date 24/05/2014

  • Changed Slider blocks
  • Changed button options
  • New buttons added
  • Removed some options
  • Template changed microcart_view
  • New template microcart_profile_brought_tab
  • New template microcart_profile_brought_tab_content
  • Other template changes
You just need to re-code all of the HTML from scratch, because it's honestly the worst I've seen.

You're mixing discussionList and nodeList code, often leading to multiple .sectionMain declarations. Other than a few things, you make almost no use of XF building block code, which would make working with this add-on infinitely easier.

You don't use any unique identifying classes or ID's, making it impossible to target individual areas which is needed because you constantly use the same code for everything.

Using tables is bad enough, but you're using tables with inline CSS and syntax that makes a bad vB3 looking like a gift from god. Worse though is the fact that you do not use any classes or ID's on the tables, rows cells to make dealing with them any easier.

The graphics you use are either already included in XF (Ratings for example) or you could have just used code already available in XF to do things rather than force ugly buttons that do not fit any design.

The worst thing however is that you're not even consistent in how badly coded this is. Sometimes you use categoryStrip for headings, and sometimes you use your own. Sometimes you do .discussionList .nodeList, sometimes you do .nodeList .discussionList and sometimes you do things to I would assume cause more frustration for your customers.

For what you're charging for this add-on it should be at least medium quality. Currently this is the lowest quality add-on I've ever had to deal with (including on any other platform) and is officially the only one I will no longer touch. Usually I'll have like a sin tax for bad add-ons that take a lot of time to work with, but there is no amount of money worth dealing with the frustrations that come from working with this one for any longer than is needed.
I ended up scraping most of the front end and options and recoded the bulk of it, still a ton of work to do but it was more of a temporary fix.
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