Microcart [Paid] [Deleted]

I ended up scraping most of the front end and options and recoded the bulk of it, still a ton of work to do but it was more of a temporary fix.
I'd only do that if it were for myself, and not a client like this was. However I'd sooner sell products manually than use this cart myself.
I ended up scraping most of the front end and options and recoded the bulk of it, still a ton of work to do but it was more of a temporary fix.

Microcart is very flexible and very effective and in my opinion the best "Cart" solution for XF there is.

Microcart is very flexible and very effective and in my opinion the best "Cart" solution for XF there is.


Not sure why you quoted my post, I'm actively using MicroCart, and do wish it well but it needs a ton of work. I originally offered to help recode the front end until I got in the templates and saw how badly it was setup. The problem is most of the templates were simply copied from the vbulletin version which consists of inline-css, tables, divs inside tables and vice versa and just plain out bad coding.

I haven't upgraded for almost a year because my front end is so heavily modified, in fact we went to upgrade pixelexit last night, made a back up... upgraded to 1.3.2 from 1.2.3, got all our plugins upgraded then saw apparently this latest version removed all of the ioncube crap. We thought... great... lets upgrade, well... sure enough it wasn't "completely removed" so it locked our site up saying we didn't have a valid domain.

Micheal has always been fast with support and helpful, I just wish more time and effort was put into this plugin rather than creating new ones.
Not sure why you quoted my post, I'm actively using MicroCart, and do wish it well but it needs a ton of work. I originally offered to help recode the front end until I got in the templates and saw how badly it was setup. The problem is most of the templates were simply copied from the vbulletin version which consists of inline-css, tables, divs inside tables and vice versa and just plain out bad coding.

I haven't upgraded for almost a year because my front end is so heavily modified, in fact we went to upgrade pixelexit last night, made a back up... upgraded to 1.3.2 from 1.2.3, got all our plugins upgraded then saw apparently this latest version removed all of the ioncube crap. We thought... great... lets upgrade, well... sure enough it wasn't "completely removed" so it locked our site up saying we didn't have a valid domain.

Micheal has always been fast with support and helpful, I just wish more time and effort was put into this plugin rather than creating new ones.

Sorry Russ !!

I am really sorry i had two tabs open with two different replies and ive mixed them up.. I was interupted and stupidly clicked post rather than come back to it.

"You just need to re-code all of the HTML from scratch, because it's honestly the worst I've seen." Intended Post / Quote found HERE.

Was the entry i was trying reply to with my above message.. That claim / post was utterly inaccurate, knowing and working with Micheal ive seen first hand how much effort he's put into this and the upcoming improvements and new features & design coming soon are nothing short of outstanding.

A outrageous claim like that can influence a "potential customer" so i was just wanting to clear that up.. I am really sorry i got my quotes mixed up.


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HI all

Just an update for you i have been working on the templates and the front end has been changed and also the view product page has had a make over.
You can see the template changes on my site but these changes have not been rolled out just yet as i want to change more before releasing a template update to the cart.
You will also see the your cart has also been changed to use the xf layout format when you add items to the cart.

As with the pre installed buttons i have added the option to use the xf buttons that are installed with your current style.
More changes are being done as quickly as i can so that that i can get this out to you.

http://www.xfgeek.com/index.php?micro-cart/ main page
http://www.xfgeek.com/index.php?micro-cart/microcart.1/viewproduct view product page
Thats good to know Micheal and really appreciate that you are open to feedback. Gives the confidence to the prospective and existing buyers. I would still suggest that you possibly run this through @Russ or someone who can give you broad pointers to work on. When I buy this add-on I want it to work with all the skins I have installed and look fully integrated.
A few questions, as I'm not clear -
1) is this currently responsive?
2) can I limit what purchases a user can make? We have essentially regional vendors and I need to ensure that users are purchasing from their local vendor vs across the country.
3) can I export reports of what was purchased?
I've taken a look at the most recent version and honestly I'll need to go in and recode every single template with the plugin. That being said there's so many templates with this plugin it would take quite some time. I started and finished on the sidebar blocks so they are coded and look like default xf sidebars. Partly were creating a new style for our site and this needs to be updated as well.
Sorry Russ !!

I am really sorry i had two tabs open with two different replies and ive mixed them up.. I was interupted and stupidly clicked post rather than come back to it.

"You just need to re-code all of the HTML from scratch, because it's honestly the worst I've seen." Intended Post / Quote found HERE.

Was the entry i was trying reply to with my above message.. That claim / post was utterly inaccurate, knowing and working with Micheal ive seen first hand how much effort he's put into this and the upcoming improvements and new features & design coming soon are nothing short of outstanding.

A outrageous claim like that can influence a "potential customer" so i was just wanting to clear that up.. I am really sorry i got my quotes mixed up.


What is inaccurate about what I claim? Please honestly refute any of the details I posted based on the most recent version, and not an upcoming version that may or may not change the issues I outlined. Also if this upcoming version does have re-coded HTML/CSS, would that not mean that my claim was accurate and that you've knowingly misled customers as to the quality of my post for the current version of the add-on?

Outrageous claim? Feedback is meant to influence potential customers, and it is why honest feedback is important. I'm giving this add-on negative feedback because without a lot of work this add-on is unlikely to work with most styles out of the box (I say most in the unlikelihood that it'll work with any). The time I spent adjusting this add-on was more than I spent coding the add-on I was providing support for, and it was not a simple style in the slightest.
What is inaccurate about what I claim? Please honestly refute any of the details I posted based on the most recent version, and not an upcoming version that may or may not change the issues I outlined. Also if this upcoming version does have re-coded HTML/CSS, would that not mean that my claim was accurate and that you've knowingly misled customers as to the quality of my post for the current version of the add-on?

Outrageous claim? Feedback is meant to influence potential customers, and it is why honest feedback is important. I'm giving this add-on negative feedback because without a lot of work this add-on is unlikely to work with most styles out of the box (I say most in the unlikelihood that it'll work with any). The time I spent adjusting this add-on was more than I spent coding the add-on I was providing support for, and it was not a simple style in the slightest.
the cart will work with all styles as i have tested quite a few styles to make sure it does.
The templates as Russ said are being changed and some of them are already changed.

This does work out of the box and will work just fine and yes the templates do need changing and this is being done.
the free trail says version 8, last updated 2013 - is the free trial not the most current version?
version 8 is not the latest version and the free trial version will never be the latest version.
The trial version is to give you an insight of the cart system and an understanding of how the script will work.
The free version will always be 3 to 4 versions if not more behind the main version releases.
version 8 is not the latest version and the free trial version will never be the latest version.
The trial version is to give you an insight of the cart system and an understanding of how the script will work.
The free version will always be 3 to 4 versions if not more behind the main version releases.
As a potential customer, this is a problem for me. I want to test the version that I'd be paying for. As it is, I have concerns about how this will display on screen, and since the templates are the changes that you're working on, I suppose it will be 4 - 5 versions until I might be ready to buy, which means I'll move on and find another way to accomplish things.

It might be perfect now. But, I have no way to know that.
I guess you can check how it will display on screen by going to the demo site. To check how it functions you can look at the trial version.
I am interested in this add-on. I downloaded the 15 day demo and am getting error messages:


Did I miss something in the install?


- Bill
This addon looks awesome. However I'm not quite sure if it fits my needs.

I want to allow vendors to sell digital goods on my platform.
  • Vendor A uploads and sells product A
  • Vendor B uploads and sells product B
  • ...
  • Every month A + B receive a monthly transfer minus a 20% comission for the shop service.
Is this possible with microcart, @Micheal ?
I will have a fully functional Demo / Live site up within the week and to assist Micheal id be more than happy to provide full front-end & back-end access to my dev install so that potential customers can explore the addon in all of it's glory.. I will also be assisting Micheal to create several different demo stores to help showcase the sheer power of what this addon can do. (I would suggest Following me, to keep up to date with my future plans).

Regards Darren
@Micheal my suggestions just glancing over the templates:

  • Removed microcart_search_sidebar template completely, all templates calling microcart_search_block not microcart_search_sidebar
  • Remove microcart_usermenu_sidebar completely, all templates calling microcart_store_menu_options instead
  • Not sure if you have other templates like this but you have templates being included inside templates which the parent is never ever being called upon
  • Ditch the button options, they're tacky and dated, I know you have an XF option but just keep it that way.
  • Ditch the slider option, I think it's overkill, currently the two options is list them like a thread or a slider which is not good
I've finished recoding the entire sidebar to act like a default sidebar and conform to the standard XF sidebar code


As opposed to:
the cart will work with all styles as i have tested quite a few styles to make sure it does.
The templates as Russ said are being changed and some of them are already changed.

This does work out of the box and will work just fine and yes the templates do need changing and this is being done.

version 8 is not the latest version and the free trial version will never be the latest version.
The trial version is to give you an insight of the cart system and an understanding of how the script will work.
The free version will always be 3 to 4 versions if not more behind the main version releases.
Thanks. Have uninstalled the free demo.
Where do I process the orders from? I see the orders in the invoice page but I can't see how to process them further to shipped etc.
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