Microcart [Paid] [Deleted]

Your Shopping Cart

  1. Product NamePrice Discount Your Price
    TEST 3£5.00 £0.00 £5.00
    TEST 3£5.00 £0.00 £5.00
    Subtotal: £10.00
    Discount: £0.00
    Coupon Discount: £0.00
    Total: £10.00
    Tax 20.00 VAT: £2.00
    Shipping (Royal Mail, 2-3 Days): £6.00
    Amount To Pay: £10.00
have you turned on the tax and shipping within the cart settings
Product NamePrice Discount Your Price
TEST 3£5.00 £0.00 £5.00
TEST 3£5.00 £0.00 £5.00
Subtotal: £10.00
Discount: £0.00
Coupon Discount: £0.00
Total: £10.00
Tax 20.00 VAT: £2.00
Shipping (Royal Mail, 2-3 Days): £6.00
Amount To Pay: £10.00

version 8 and 9 now fixed with this problem
to fix this just download the version you have installed from the cart download section and import the product xml file, this will update the templates and fix this problem.

this error only affects versions 8 and 9 does not affect older versions.
Why is there a picture max width and max height And the photo is non adjustable as far as viewing size? Or am I missing something. It would be very hard to sell a product with just a thumb nail type photo. I would understand with software products where you wouldn't have a concern for size of the picture. I sell collars, clothing and art that people would like to view ar least a 600 x 600 before purchase.
Why is there a picture max width and max height And the photo is non adjustable as far as viewing size? Or am I missing something. It would be very hard to sell a product with just a thumb nail type photo. I would understand with software products where you wouldn't have a concern for size of the picture. I sell collars, clothing and art that people would like to view ar least a 600 x 600 before purchase.

this is why there is a gallery to show case your product you can add screenshots to any product at a size you want.
I didn't see the showcase, where is it- you can't add pictures as apposed to screen shots?
change the phrase from screenshots to gallery and add your images there of the product.
this will be where you can show case your product with images.

there are plans to change this so when you put your mouse over the thumb in top left it will show a larger image but this has not been done yet as there were more pressing things that had to be done first.
Reserved for that release. Thanks for your time Mike. I do have an external store for now I use- hard to believe there is only one cart for Xenforo.
When the currency is set in GBP £ and the payment is made through 2CO it is registered in dollars. eg. a £25 payment shows as $25 or £16
Hi @Micheal

I've installed the trial but I'm having issues with it showing the categories, despite setting them up. Is there an option I've missed? Additionally, the sub menu is not showing.

I just have .....
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