Mark Posts as Best Answer [Deleted]

ehh couldnt fix it but i changed the size and that helped a bit.. Its odd that your text is wrapping fine and mine will not.
Go to message.css, find the following rule:
.message .messageContent

Then comment out the following line:
overflow: hidden;

That's a temporary fix, will include it in the next version (which of course wouldn't require that manual edit).
I don´t know why, but in my new testforum it dosen´t work. After install I set the two rights to green but there is no best answer link in the post.
I don´t know why, but in my new testforum it dosen´t work. After install I set the two rights to green but there is no best answer link in the post.
Did you manually enable the Mark post as Best Answer permission for the forum?
Mebmers are able to mark their posts in their own threads as best anwer. Is this a bug?

xf 1.4.0
Best Answer Chosen By: The Thread Creator
Is it possible to restrict this to ONLY Admins or Moderators can mark it as best answer? Will purchase instantly if so :) (or a certain usergroup id)??
Yes that's very possible.
Purchased :)

Just getting this error atm:

Sorry, we couldn't find the order you searched for. Please verify the order number and email are correct. If you just placed the order, please check back in a few minutes or look in your inbox for an email containing a direct link.

I haven't received an email but will check back later.


Another suggestion: if I'm using the vote method, have certain usergroups vote count more heavily than others. For example, the default is 3 votes to get a post to be best answer, but how about if I could set the moderators usergroup so that one moderator vote is worth 3 regular votes so a moderator can immediately get a post to be best answer?
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Lior. updated Mark Posts as Best Answer with a new update entry:

New features and bug fixes

  • Voting power configurable per usergroup - when using the voting method to determine which post is the best answer, you can define a custom voting power for each usergroup. For example, configuring the power to 3 would mean the user's vote would actually count as 3 votes.
  • Notable members tab - the notable members page now contains a new tab which displays the members with the most best answers.
  • Fixed the bug where the best answer ribbon doesn't wrap around the message's text....

Read the rest of this update entry...
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This addon is coming along nicely. I think it's time to purchase and try it on our sandbox. Really like the idea of giving active members' votes a higher weighting.

Question. Is it/Would it be possible to have a certain prefix - say 'Question' - and then only activate the best answer functionality on threads with that prefix (in forums where Best Answer is enabled). In this way members can actively request the Best Answer functionality where appropriate. And then, of course, when a Best Answer has been selected, the prefix would change to 'Answered'.

Another question. @Lior. have you considered allowing both voting and thread starter to pick the best answer? Thread starter overrules the voting. Then the moderators could also pick the best answer and overrule the voting in the rare circumstances that the members voting actually get it wrong and we want to correct it.
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