Mark Posts as Best Answer [Deleted]

Strange, I set the settings in usergroup permissions but i still dont see 'set the best answer' or anywhere to choose a best answer for myself when i created a thread nor having the option community can choose....
@Lior. : Would it be too much work to add a toggle to display a Font Awesome icon in front of the "Mark as Best Answer" & "Best Answer" buttons in your next update?

Here's the code I'm using in the EXTRA.CSS:
.messageMeta .control.MarkBestAnswer:before {
content: "\f00c";
"\fooc" is a checkmark

Other Font Awesome icons that could be used:
  1. "\f087"
  2. "\f078"
  3. "\f046"

Code that my theme (UI.X Dark) uses so that you can see the Font Awesome icons:
.messageMeta .control:before {
display: inline-block;
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 1;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;   
margin-right: 5px;
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No good.. This really needs to wrap the ribbon or a new smaller ribbon should be an option.. Lets be blunt here this looks very unprofessional when surfing from mobile devices, particularly phones.
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I checked a post saying Best Answer - but when I refresh it doesnt show the ribbon top right of the message saying 'BEST ANSWER'.

Apologies for not responding earlier.

Could you please check if it shows the ribbon in the default style?
I have 3 questions about this before I buy.

1- Is this compatible with XF 1.3 and coming 1.4 ?
2- How the votes are done when selecting community votes ? (There is no vote buttons, they have to click the best answer link as vote ?)
3- Does the thread gets marked as solved, styled or something to know which threads have a correct answer selected ?

1. Yes!
2. Option in ACP 3,4,5,6 Best answer click
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1- Is this compatible with XF 1.3 and coming 1.4 ?
2- How the votes are done when selecting community votes ? (There is no vote buttons, they have to click the best answer link as vote ?)
They will see a best Answer button every post.
3- Does the thread gets marked as solved, styled or something to know which threads have a correct answer selected ?
Yes, it will have a specific prefix.
Like this forum section:
Those that have answered prefix.
1. Yes!
2. Option in ACP 3,4,5,6 Best answer click

1- Ok.
2- So the users have to click best answer and its selected if it gets enough best answer clicks ? There is no counter or something that shows users how many voted for an answer as best ?
3- That is not thread, that is answer or reply.

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