Implemented Make "what's new?" more prominent

Reeve of Shinra

Well-known member
I visit good number of forums and the new posts link is the usually the first one I click on. The second link I click is the subscriptions.php link to see if any conversations I've participated in have any updates.

Anything you can do to make that content more prominent and easier to get to would be great.

My first suggestion is adding the "whats new?" link to the top nav bar but obviously I think more can be done.
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Interesting suggestion, some boards have Recent Activity as a main tab on the forums. Actually I kinda like this suggestion since this is probably the most popular thing for members to click on. But I guess it's a personal thing, every forum owner wants to have a customized navigation. I'm not sure we all want a button in the breadcrumb for example. But maybe I'm wrong about this.

Talking about the breadcrumb, does anyone actually use the Quick Navigation Menu button? Because I never do.
Why not have the "what's new?" at the end of the tabLink link listing, no matter which page you are on? I agree it's needs to be more prominent but the location where it's at, is good. It just needs to be present in all pages since I agree this is a link I click first whenever I visit the forums. (unless I have an alert then heck, I have to check that first) :p
What about View attachment 44258 (for small-medium boards because of the global query)

Have it in the same style as the reported items and moderation queue alerts.

Edit: I just realised you have it in the main tabs. not sure i would want that there due to the nav main being prime realistate and too many tabs breaks the layout with other custom add-ons already using tabs (showcase, booksmark there's a long list)

Is there no way of adding the item count to the tablinks what's new?

Have ours up the top as per the picture. The bar is in absolute position so they are always availabe no matter where you are on the page - I just couldn't quite figure the css to line it up with the Inbox, Alerts etc though :(.

What's New.webp
I would like to see a dedicated What's New tab as part of the core. I feel this most important link deserves a dedicated tab.

Ideally the Forum tab would show the Forums View page and the What's New? tab would show the New Threads page.

This would solve three problems:

1) It would be easier to navigate between these two most important forum functions
2) A larger What's New? button would make it easier for tablet users
3) The What's New? link currently is difficult to see as it's so small
I posted above on placing What's New on the breadcrumbs.... adding a pic to make it clear.
It's definitely the most powerful and popular change Ive made. The huge plus is it's there on every page top AND bottom.
A combination of the What's new system, and the new navigation management system in XF2 should mean this suggestion is generally implemented.
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